Posted by Kat Turner | 12:25 AM | 0 comments »

Hi! You may use this article. It is from the eBook > "Be a Winner" By E.A. Allen & S.C. Ferguson > Copyright 2003 ISBN #9609550-0-3 > and Published by H.K.R. Publishing Co, Oceanside > Califoia. > 21,000 eBooks > > Thanks, Sincerely, Hal Reid, H.K.R. Publishing > > > > ***************************************************************** ******* > > DECISION > > There can be no lasting success in life without decision of > character. Even brains are secondary in importance to will. > > The intellect is but half of the person; the will is the > driving wheel, the spring of motivating power. A vacillating > person, no matter what their abilities, is invariably pushed > aside in the race of life by one of determined will. It is > those who resolve to succeed, and at every fresh rebuff begin > resolutely again, that reach their goals. > > The shores of fortune are covered with the stranded > wrecks of people of brilliant abilities who have lacked courage, > faith, and decision, and have therefore perished, while less > capable but more resolute adventurers have succeeded in > making port. > > Hundreds of people go to their graves in obscurity only because > they lacked the pluck to make the first effort, and who, could > they only have resolved to begin, would have astonished the > world with their achievements and successes. > > There are occasions when action must be taken at once. > There is no time for long and careful calculation of the chances. > The occasion calls for immediate action. The call must be met > or time goes swiftly by and our utmost exertions cannot bring > it back. > > At such times is seen the triumph of those who have carefully > trained all their faculties to a habit of prompt decision. > They seize the occasion and make the thought tu into instant > action; they at once plan and perform, resolve and execute. > > To do anything in this world that is worth doing one must not > stand shivering on the bank, thinking of the cold and the > danger, but plunge in and scramble through as best one can. > > The world was not made for slow, squeamish, fastidious people, > but for those who act promptly and with power. Everyone must > meet obstacles and perplexities, and must either conquer them > or be conquered by them. > > ***************************************************************** ******* > > 50 Fr*ee Magazines, 500 at huge Discount >

Develop Laser Focus with Zen Patience. Discover How Much Time you can Save. Dear Friend, Make the Time to ask these simple questions. Trust me they will be well worth it. * How to develop focus that gives results? * Why is patience so important? We live in a Fast Food world. We want things as fast as possible and we want the best. No one wants to wait anymore. Personally, I hate waiting. Waiting is terrible. Lines at the store kill me and so does waiting for a package to arrive seems to take forever. The worst part about waiting is that I feel that I could be doing so much more with my time and energy rather than waiting.

So why am I talking about waiting to you?

Here is the secret! I'm not talking about waiting, but Focus, Patience, and the amazing results if you know how to get them. Discover the Way of the Tortoise and leave the Rat Race behind. And win an amazing prize If you truly want to get the best of the best you have to invest two simple things. **Patience: Nothing happens immediately. You must give some time in order to get any results. Lea to the fastest and most effective ways to invest your time to get results you want. **Focus: Pay attention to your results. There are times that you will need to change your entire plan in a second, but you'll miss it if you're not paying attention. Remember you are not careful everything you want will fall apart in seconds. Some of the people I talk to say, "Is that it? Focus and Patience, but I still want and need things faster." This is Practical Time Management and wishing doesn't work here. You have to make it happen. What works is dealing with Stress, Goal-setting, Determination, Organization, Networking, and even Structured Procrastination. A farmer does not yell at a seed and expect it to grow into a huge plant in a day. They spend all year developing that plant and waiting for harvest. . Tiger Woods did not just one day pick up a golf club and win the Masters. He spent a lifetime leaing to be a good as he is now. Lance Armstrong has put more patience and focus than I could ever imagine into winning 7 titles. Still, he was not always the best. He put in the time and effort to become a Legend.

They know that nothing comes from simply wishing and hoping for the best.

Let's go over these areas again *** Focus on one thing at a time. Invest what you want out of it. If you give little you'll get little out of it. Be extremely selective of what you focus your time and energy in. *** Patience in the results you get. Keep working at it as long as you see the progressive results. A master knows that results are the difference between beating a dead horse and encouraging a slow moving horse. I am sorry. I just dropped a concept there without introducing it. Progressive Results is whenever you see that your efforts are getting the results that keep you toward your goals. This is divides Patience and Waiting. If you are not getting the results you want and need for a prolonged time. Change it, but organize and focus your energy and time in the correct direction first. Please reread the last few sentences before you move on. They are amazingly important to you success in time management and life. If you ever wanted a way out of the working Rat Race each day or just a way to make some money with some hobby you love. You have to look at this site. "A picture is worth a thousand word." Discover the new life and incredible gift these people have found.

How to get women

Posted by Kat Turner | 8:22 PM | 0 comments »

I was single for quite a while so I decided to put an advert in a singles' column. A friend of mine also joined me so we had two adverts running. I told most of my friends who were fascinated to see how it went. Anyhow, I waited two weeks before my advert appeared. It was one of those voicebox style services where you dial a number to retrieve your messages. After 14 days, my friend had one measly reply! Nothing to write home about! However, my results were rather different. I had over 35 replies to my one advert!!! I was stunned. Not only was I amazed at the number of calls, but it highlighted just how easy it can be to meet women, especially if our advert is worded correctly.What was I going to do? I couldn't possibly see all 35 women - I just didn't have the time. If you did want to see all of them, and you met half that number for a second date, you would be going out every day for over 52 days! Well, I had 35 women to call and notes on each one. Most leave a description of themselves to give you an idea of what they are like. Furthermore, when you hear their voice you can get some clues to what type of person they are, what class, etc. Too Many Dates to See!!! Anyhow, I started rating these women according to my personal preference - I had to have some way of prioritising my dates! I was aged 30 at the time and my replies ranged from 18 to 34. My preference has been for younger women so they went to the top of the list. But when you have 9 girls of 25 or under, you have to prioritise again!!! So, for me it was location. Those who lived closest to me got first choice. OK, so I've got my names and telephone numbers of 35 dates, together with a brief description of what they are like. They are put in order so I know who I am going to ring first. But what am I going to say? How would I introduce myself to make the best possible impression? As it happens, my initial calls were fine. My dates were as happy to hear from me as I was to talk to them. After all, they replied to me! However, after phoning these 35 women (and more later on) I have leat what to talk about, what works and what doesn't. You will benefit from this experience in later chapters. I Used to Spend Lonely Nights In Before my advert, I used to spend my evenings in, perhaps with a friend occasionally coming over for a coffee. I was so bored that I was hiring a video nearly every night. Also, I craved for female company and the affection that often came with it. But I wasn't meeting ANYONE! I rarely went out and even if I did I doubt I would have the courage to approach a girl and chat her up. Then, in the space of 14 days, I had one date every night of the week! My social life was completely transformed OVERNIGHT! We often read about get rich quick schemes promising oveight results, yet we know these are mostly scams. Most things offering instant fixes should be treated with caution. Want to meet women? try to put your own ad the at Good luck

"Nature has given to men one tongue, but two ears, that we may hear from others twice as much as we speak." ~ Epictetus, Greek Philosopher How well we listen determines the quality of our connections with others whether at home or work. Yet, most of us did not master excellent communication skills in our family of origin. In fact, most of us haven't taken any formal training in the art of communication. And, as far as communication goes, listening is definitely the key. Luckily, anyone can lea these skills. Excellence is developed with practice. The following steps will help you sharpen your listening skills. 1)Maintain good eye contact with the person you are talking to. Eye contact is imperative in conversation, and makes it possible for you to sense the underlying emotions as well as to assess facial expression and body language. Good eye contact says you are listening and are interested in the person and the conversation. 2)Empty your head of your own agenda, and listen to what the speaker is saying. This is especially difficult if you disagree with what the speaker is saying or have another opinion. Remember, you will have your tu to speak. Overcome the temptation to jump in with your own opinion until you have truly explored what the other person has to say. (This is particularly hard if you happen to be talking with your teenager!) 3)Check out what you have heard by stating what you thought you heard back to the person you are speaking to. Say something like, "What I hear you saying is…" "Is that right?" If the person you are talking to agrees that you heard accurately, great! If they say, "No, what I said was…" – believe them. Don't argue or come back with, "That is too what you said." It is amazing how many times individuals I am working with in communication skills will argue with their partner about what the partner said or meant! We all have a tendency to distort somewhat based on our own experiences. That is why reflecting back what we thought we heard is important. 4)Ask open-ended questions about the content or information being shared. Open-ended questions cannot be answered with "yes" or "no". They invite the speaker to give you more information and to expand on what they are saying. Open-ended questions often start with "how" or "what", or "tell me more…" 5)Try to imagine how the person you are talking to feels about what they are talking about. This is a skill called "empathy" and is essential for close, meaningful conversation. Share back your sense of how the information is impacting them, such as, "That must make you happy." Or, "It must be hard for you when that happens." Connecting on an emotional level shows you are listening and truly understand them. If you practice these five steps faithfully, you will be amazed at how much better your relationships will become both at home and at work.

Find The Courage To Know The Truth

Posted by Kat Turner | 6:45 PM | 0 comments »

Find The Courage To Know The Truth Helaine Iris © 2004 "Making the decision to have a child--it's momentous. It is to decide forever to have your heart go walking around outside your body." Elizabeth Stone My daughter amazes me. She's just been through a roller coaster growth cycle. I'm going to share this vulnerable, recent event from her life that has beautifully illustrates a powerful life lesson. I have her permission to share this story with you. It all started about six months ago when she began her senior year of high school. To give you some background, our daughter, who tends to be on the reserved side, is not a risk taker, and attends a very small, private, alteative school in rural Vermont. There are 10 kids in her class and for the most part they all socialize with each other. It's a close-knit group of students. There's not a lot of a potential romantic option in such a small pond yet my daughter began to develop a crush on one of her classmates. As the year progressed and social events increased and friendships deepened, her feelings for this boy deepened as well. I was delighted she was talking to me about her experiences and feelings all along the way. We spent many a conversation exploring how one deals with having feelings for someone when you're uncertain if your feelings are to be retued. We discussed at length possible strategies for approaching the conversation. We considered the pros and cons of letting things naturally unfold vs. trying to second-guess where we thought this young man might be based on his interactions with her. Over months we talked and talked. She expressed her hopes, her fear of rejection; ultimately, she feared that if she told the truth of how she felt, it would ruin the friendship, which was clearly valuable to her. About a month ago the tension was approaching fever pitch for her. The friendship had grown the crush tued to love, and they were beginning to spend serious time together. She was filled with the fantasy of how wonderful it would be if the relationship moved to the next level. Still she was unable to ask this young man the seemingly simple question, "do you like me and want to be more than friends?" It became painfully clear to me that my daughter was avoiding having the conversation because she was afraid to know the truth. On a deep level she was convinced that she was going to be rejected. The distress of not knowing and the tension it created although miserable was safer than facing possible disappointment. It was very understandable and yet, something needed to give. What truth are you resisting facing? I often experience this very human phenomenon with my clients. The tendency to avoid the truth inadvertently creates complicated, energy draining situations: from relationship issues to not wanting to hire a bookkeeper to sort out your finances because of what you're afraid you might discover. If you're afraid of seeking the truth because you believe that your worst fear will come true ask yourself if you can really know for sure that it will. Isn't it just as possible that you might be worrying for nothing? How much energy does it take to stay in the dark? If you're afraid because you don't have the confidence to get through whatever tough emotions arise look for evidence from your past that you can. When have you survived and actually grown from other challenging life lessons? Building a support system to help you deal with what ever comes up can be invaluable and confidence building as well. Finally, the day came. My daughter told us she couldn't take it anymore. She found the courage to face her fears and decided she was ready to tell him the truth. My husband and I took her out to our favorite Sunday moing breakfast restaurant and coached her. By the end of our meal she was ready and drove off to meet him. There is a happy ending to the story, but not the happily ever after kind. It tued out the young man didn't retu her feelings, he was happy being great friends with her. She came home heartbroken yet not devastated AND most importantly, relieved that the truth was out on the table and she could be free to be real with him. She activated her support system in a big way and began to recover. Yes, it took a few days to sort it all out, and the friendship has grown. They're communicating on a more satisfying level. What an incredible opportunity for a seventeen year old to lea how to face truth and build self-confidence in the process. My daughter amazes me. It's YOUR life…imagine the possibilities!

In my first corporate job, I had high expectations that promotions were based on a solid work ethic and quality production. I wanted to aim for the top and make it happen. Unfortunately, my ideas of corporate environment were inaccurate. As a grunt, an engineer, and a manager, the games, turf wars, and political thrashings taught me numerous incredible lessons. In the end, I made it to where I wanted to be, but not without bruises, scrapes, and experience. Now, people come to me with problems that they have within their companies or on their job. They want to lea how they can overcome a situation or better adapt to make it within their companies. For instance, one employee lost out on a promotion because the person in charge favored another person. In such situations, you have to look at both sides. Of course, the scoed employee was upset as his credentials exceeded the promoted employee's. But, when we examined the other side of the coin, one of the prominent actions performed by the promoted employee was that he publicly supported the boss. If you remove emotion from the situation, and apply some "poli-think," it made sense, according to the manager's needs. You can either fight it, or you can lea how to make it work for you. I'm not condoning politics nor am I saying that you should use political tactics in your everyday life, as this is not only exhausting, but it also takes away from your work and personal time. But, if you can understand your corporate culture and its politics, you can better lea how to handle the situations that are placed before you instead of becoming stressed or frustrated. --- The Corporate Culture --- When you enter Corporate America, you have two choices: dig in, go with the punches, and make it into the inner circle, or you can hang back and just do your job. Both postures are very necessary elements of corporate life and both are just as difficult. It all depends on what you want out of your career. * The Corporate Being A Corporation is a living, breathing, and growing entity. It changes on an irregular basis, adapts to its environment, and sometimes performs acts that seem almost ludicrous. In this way, a corporation is very much like a human being. You, as a part of this being, must lea how it grows and changes. Most of the time, this information is not evident. However, part of the task of becoming a viable asset to this being is to look beyond the surface and find out where things are going. In this way, you can position yourself to be a positive part of the growth and change. Many of the political situations that occur within a corporation are a result of this growth and change. These changes cause incredible stress for some individuals; however, the stress can be overcome by not fighting the politics and leaing the culture of the organization. You will lea that many of these situations have valid political reasons for why they occur. Leaing the corporate culture is an important step in managing the stresses associated with any job. Take some time to observe the culture at your office. This will not only give you an idea as to how to handle yourself, but it will also help you lea how to handle others. * Culture Shock A corporate culture is a set of behaviors and rules that people use to manage their interactions. These include formal company policies and informal rules that you lea through experience. Many times, management will not tell you the informal rules of the office, but they will use your ability to adapt and lea as a sign of how well you handle yourself. Additionally, behaving in an inappropriate manner for the culture could risk your being labeled as uncooperative by your coworkers. In any situation, you should analyze the culture, and, if necessary, change your habits accordingly to minimize stress. To evaluate your corporate culture, you should consider various important aspects of the environment. For instance, communication style, teamwork, chain of command, appearance, management roles, interoffice friendships, politics, individual attitudes, and general workspace environment are important elements to pay attention to so that you can better acclimate to the environment. After you've leaed the culture of your workplace, you should see how it matches your personal style and expectations. To help prevent workplace stress, it's likely that you'll have to adjust some of your own habits. Of course, you should not stifle your originality or become an indistinguishable android. With an understanding of your workplace culture, you can make informed choices about your behavior and work habits, and prevent stressful situations and conflicts. --- Corporate Games --- Before you can understand corporate games in the workplace, you must understand one, core definition of the games: a corporate game is an illegitimate means of getting things done. It is a way that people twist and tu situations to reach a specific goal. However, those people that don't play, risk their careers. Improperly managing power and politics can make or break your career, cause many sleepless nights, and often has very little to do with your actual job duties. Many people who fail in their jobs do so because of political problems, not skill deficiencies. Many intelligent and capable people aren't as successful as they might be because they haven't leaed to cope with office politics. Understanding why you might be having difficulty at work involves understanding the basic elements of office politics and why it exists. * Politics Politics and political maneuvering is the interpersonal conflicts and power plays that exist in most organizations. Among the specific actions commonly associated with office politics are intimidation, indirect communications, covert tactics for advancement, manipulation for control, indirectly telling the truth, hiding vulnerability issues, and playing for favors. Some companies are better than others in the amount of political activity required to do a job. In some companies, playing corporate politics is the only job you have the time to develop. In others, it is only slightly important. Politics is part of the corporate culture of every organization and it's important to understand how it plays into your organization. * Why does it exist? Politics came about as a way of handling intense competition. Generally, business itself is a competitive game ranging from simple tests of skill to full-blown battles. The game is driven by survival conditions induced by an expanding world market in which companies must continue to change and grow. There's a constant challenge to overwhelm the opposition, reduce costs, and acquire additional resources. All of these attributes trickle down through the ranks to cause individual battles for promotions, rewards, and recognition at all costs. Another reason for office politics has to do with the hierarchical structure of most organizations. The higher you advance, the less room there is at the top. As long as people battle for the "coer office," workplace maneuvers will reign. This is where the most intense battles occur and where most people find that they are stepped on or pushed aside. Also, office politics occurs where personal matters are suppressed because they are seen as interfering with the direction and the good of the corporation. Certain arrangements help to keep individual feelings out of corporations as well as prevent the discussion of sensitive issues and the denial of interpersonal conflict. However, since human beings are social beings, human needs appear in the form of political conflict. --- Surviving Corporate Games --- Whether you decide to play or not, don't get caught in the middle. If you become the individual that battles politics, then you become the scoed of the organization. If you decide to stay out of it completely, then do your job and stay out. Those on the other end of the spectrum that play will respect your decision because that alone gives them less competition in their own battles. One thing you'll notice is that no one will admit to playing games; however, that is part of the secret of politics. You, on the other hand, cannot confront anyone for playing games; however, you can identify the games and lea how to manage them to suit your needs. Once you figure out how to do this, then your stress level will drop, and you'll be accepted in your environment. * What do you want? Before you can lea how to use these games to your advantage, you have to set a course and stick with it. This means determining what it is that you want out of your career. If you roam aimlessly through your career, then you'll get nowhere as you are a benefit to no one, including yourself. If you know what you want and are willing to work to get there, then people will take notice and begin working with you to get where you want to go. The objective of managing corporate games is to benefit those in charge and understand how to use available resources to your own benefit. * Leaing the game. People who dislike company politics usually associate it with backstabbing, taking credit for others' work, or getting by on personality rather than performance. For the most part, these are standard characteristics of a political game. However, you don't have to play this way to make it in a political environment. To survive, for our purposes here, political game playing means developing good "people skills." It means contribution, diplomacy, collaboration, cooperation, and conducting a personal public relations campaign. Some of the best ways to handle politics at this level are: - Keep your eyes and ears open to everything that goes on around you. You can use this information to your own best interests. Listen more to what other people are saying and absorb what they mean. - Lea how to communicate with others on all levels. - Resolve disputes quickly and don't allow them to linger and spread. Conflicts interfere with production. Additionally, this will get you into the rumor mill and eventually have you on the same level as Jack-the-Ripper. - Compromise positions and issues so that you end up in a win-win situation. You want to always leave the other person with a piece of the pie, if it benefits you. - Be open and willing to admitting you're wrong. Holding out when you're wrong will only place you in a position of conflict and distrust by others. - Take on leadership roles when possible. Demonstrate your abilities to lead and manage situations professionally. - Be professionally assertive without being abrasive. - Make "acquaintances" within the organization. You don't want to have close friends, nor do you want to make enemies. - Put the corporate direction ahead of your own. Being part of a forward moving team that supports the company is the way to gain positive looks from the inner-circle. To accomplish your goals, you'll need to be very people-smart. Playing politics isn't necessarily bad. In fact, it's a key survival skill in most organizations. Many good corporate politicians are both likeable and effective---that's why they make it to the top. Those who refuse to play or battle against the politics may accomplish a lot, but they seldom last long because they don't fit into the overall scheme and are seen as "trouble-makers." --- What's next? --- I'm sure that you've read one or more Dilbert cartoons by Scott Adams. They're very humorous, but what makes them humorous is that, for the most part, they represent actual situations in an office environment. If you see any of his cartoons and don't somehow find humor, then you have a lot to lea. Regardless of where you go or what you do, politics in the corporate culture exist. Political decisions encourage many of the situations that most people despise, including hypocrisy, secrecy, rumors, self-interests, image building, and cliques. However, politics will always be a part of organizations as long as people are involved---to be human is to be political. Whenever people's priorities, values, and interests diverge, some type of political ploy usually takes place. The amount of involvement you choose is entirely up to what you want out of your career. Remember, it's not a "personal attack," it's a "political approach." If you lea your culture and consider that statement in your daily activities, your work environment can be more enjoyable and less stressful.

Criteria Elicitation This is without a doubt the most important persuasion skill that you can lea. If you'll lea to apply this to every situation in which you find yourself you'll be amazed at the positive results! Many of the hypnotic skills I'll be sharing with you have a parallel in old sales training techniques. This one is no exception! Lets say that you are needing to convince someone to do something, accept something, or behave in a certain way. You will need to communicate with their powerful subconscious to get your desired agreement. Once a person's subconscious "buys in" to what you are proposing they will just naturally seem to come over to your way of thinking. The question then becomes "how do I get my message to the person's subconscious?" Here's your answer-elicit their true criteria. Simply put, ask. Try this one SALESMAN John what's important to you when shopping for a new car? JOHN Well I like to know that the person I'm dealing with is honest." SALESMAN Yes honesty is the best policy. What else is valuable to you when you are making the decision about a car? JOHN I like to know the car has a high reliability rating from Consumer Reports SALESMAN an unreliable car is not an acceptable situation. What else is important john? JOHN I want to know that I got a really good price. In the above can you put John's criteria in order of importance? If you chose 3, 2, 1 you were right! Our hypnotically trained sales man knew to ask at least three times what was really important or valuable. He agreed and parroted each answer so that John's SC would react to him as a friend (rapport) John's SC would give increasingly important info each time he was asked what's important. So our salesman needs to focus on showing John that he is getting a good price on a reliable car from a trusted advisor. When you need to convince someone first you should establish rapport. The easiest way to do that is to ask some questions about things important to that person. Some people go after rapport by starting with stuff like "how do you like this weather?" A great way to establish rapport is to share some detail from your own life first. "John you should have been with me last week at the golf range! I was hitting them long and straight! Or "my daughter just got the lead in the school play!" People usually respond with instant liking for you when you share a detail from your life. Once you have conversed for awhile (small talk?) then you can get to the elicitation stage. "Boss—what's important to you about how my sales job is performed?" What else? What else? Surveys are formalized attempts at criteria elicitation. Once you know someone's criteria then you have the roadmap to structure your persuasion attempts. By focusing on their criteria you will be seen as perceptive, insightful and caring! "Honey what's valuable to you in a relationship" What else? What else? Structure your communication to take advantage of the criteria that you have elicited and you'll always come out a winner! Any Questions? John Satterfield C.Ht (Certified Hypnotherapist)

Just imagine: you are walking, say, towards your car, and all of a sudden somebody comes up to you and begins... polishing your shoes. Or even better example--a guy you've never met before opens the hood of your car, says the engine is broken and tries to persuade you to add some gadget your car desperately needs--and now! What you'd do if such a crazy thing happened? Wouldn't you readily accept the help, paid for it and thank this unknown altruist for his generosity? Why not? Lots of people are doing exactly the same on their PCs. A pop-up ad offering you a pop-up blocker--funny, isn't it? With those numerous spyware removers it isn't even funny. Obtrusive advertising in itself is not necessarily suspicious (it might be just a sign that the company's marketing director is stupid), but some dishonest software vendors are applying deceitful tactics in marketing their anti-spy solutions (often of low or zero quality), trying to make money quick. Almost any product can be faked, but with software it is especially easy. It is also very tempting to take advantage of huge demand for security solutions without much effort. The recent story with a placebo product Spyware Assassin proves it. What a simple but efficient (and disgusting) scheme--offer users a free system scan, which is bound to find spyware (even if there isn't any--because no scan actually takes place), then sell them a "solution" to this problem for only $30. This product (Spyware Assassin) seems to be about as fake as spyware found on a "clean" PC. As a result, the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) recently took action against MaxTheater--the company which distributed Spyware Assassin. The site used for selling this bogus anti-spyware software has been taken down. Users who were literally forced to buy Spy Wiper or Spy Deleter, or those who remember the notorious litigation in fall 2004, can say a lot of things about authors and sellers of such programs--if written down, their remarks can make paper blush. In short, Seismic Entertainment Productions, Inc., another vendor prosecuted by FTC, applied even more impudent tactics than MaxTheater. Computers were infected with real spyware and adware to be later "cured" with Spy Wiper or Spy Deleter. The spyware changed the consumers' home pages, changed their search engines, and generated constant flow of pop-up ads. We all have been told not to be too credulous; still lots of us fall for the advertising bait. You must have already heard or read tips like these, but maybe they are worth reading once more: Tip 1 If a company is unscrupulous in choosing means of advertising: tone of its ads is aggressive, they are scaring a potential customer and demanding immediate action (scan and system, install/buy/download some program NOW or something nasty will happen), if a company is using pop-ups and especially spam to distribute its "message"-- you'd better stay clear Tip 2 If a company is very young and yet claims to offer something really wide-range and universal, or better to say, panacea-like, solution, with 100% guarantee--it's most likely a lie. No product is capable of protecting your PC against all the malware. Only irresponsible vendors give such false promises, and only naive users believe them. Tip 3 However name the product bear, the name is not the product itself. Cool names don't describe functions, quality, or reliability of the program, though imply them (usually it's not true). Words "perfect" or "advanced" in the product's name may sound good, but don't at all mean this product works well or is better compared with others. The conclusions are rather simple. Don't believe everything ads say. Do spend time on background checks before downloading, and you won't have to waste plenty of time, money and nerves afterwards.

How To Marry Without Financial Turmoil

Posted by Kat Turner | 2:37 AM | 0 comments »

A wedding day is supposed to be perfect.  In fact, most people start dreaming about and planning their wedding day long before they even meet their spouse!  But what many people forget is that a wedding is in reality a financial transformation, and if it's not handled properly, that dream day could quickly tu into a foundation for debt.

If you are planning your wedding day, you should take some time out and think about the possible financial ramifications that you could suffer if you don't plan well. Here are some tips for ensuring that your wedding day is indeed perfect--financially and all. 

Talk The first thing you should do when thinking about your wedding is to sit down and talk to everyone involved.  Usually, this will include the bride and groom, as well as any parents who will be contributing finances to the event. You should set a firm figure in mind, as this will be the basis for all of the other decisions that you make.

In addition, you should think about one thing carefully: if your parents are contributing a great deal of money for the ceremony, are you sure that you wouldn't rather use it for something else?  People of ordinary means have been known to spend $10-15,000 on a single wedding.  If they'd thought it through, they might have made the decision to have a small wedding and use the contributed cash as a down payment on a new home instead!

Plan Now that you have a budget in mind, you should make a list of absolutely everything that you'll need for your ceremony.  This list should include things like the wedding chapel, reception hall, dress, catering, flowers, photographer, and more. You will need to assign a portion of your overall budget to each of the categories.  You may need to do some price comparisons before completing this step so you'll have an idea of what each item should cost. It will help to assign a value to each item.  For example, what's more important to you; your wedding flowers or the gifts for the bridal party?  Now that you understand how much you'll have to spend on each thing, it should make the next step easier.

Compare Now it's time to do some comparison shopping and re-adjusting. For example, if you've planned $500 for flowers, and find that it's simply not enough to get what you wanted; you will have a few choices. You could select something else that isn't as expensive, you could reduce another category's budget and put it toward the flower budget, or you could get creative and decide to grow your own flowers for the ceremony. The point is to stick to your overall budget.

Move On Once you've planned your entire wedding within your budget, you should be able to sit back and enjoy the occasion knowing that you have chosen to start your lives together responsibly. Now, continue to budget and plan in the other financial areas of your live and watch your finances grow!  


Posted by Kat Turner | 7:10 PM | 0 comments »

Living your life to the fullest is not that complicated. But then, it is not that easy too. You have to work hard so as to live your dreams and convert it into reality. How would you do that? Here are some tips on how to live the life of your dreams: 1. Be practical. With todayís commodities escalating really high, nothing comes close to living a happy and contented life than being practical when it comes to expenditures. Managing your money will teach you responsibility. And when you have saved enough for the rainy day, you know that you have provided your family with a good future they can depend on. It is all about practicality. Having worked hard for the money, you should know that a sense of security will only come from savings and wise investments. 2. Set goals. When you want to achieve something, be sure that you really want your goal and not be fickle-minded about it. For example, if there is a certain amount involved, say when you want to save on something you want to obtain in the future, be specific with the amount. Set your goals based on your priorities in life and set a time-frame for each goal. Try to map out each goal and check on it every month. And when you are ready with contingency plans or other money-making tactics to make your goals achievable based on the timeframe you have set, everything will sink in smoothly as it should be. 3. Curb spending. If you have been used to spending or buying things without taking into consideration the price, chances are you and your family will be miserable in the near future. In order to live the life of your dreams, you have to lea how to spend money wisely. It is best that you keep track of all your day-to-day expenses. If you have some loans to pay, keep a close watch on your monthly expenses so that you can get everything paid off. With a constant monitoring on your expenses, youíll soon realize that what you have been saving for will soon reap better results in the future. 4. Live a healthy life. If you donít, then all of the things you have been working so hard will just go to waste. How can you live the life of your dreams if you are not healthy enough to enjoy its pleasures? Living a wonderful life is not all about money and material things. To be happy and fulfilled in life is to be healthy as well. As they say, health is wealth. 5. Believe in the strength of your dreams. There is only one thing that spells the difference between having money and having none. It is the attitude that matters most. Living the life of your dreams is how you make it and not what destiny has it for you. There are instances wherein life can be really difficult. But what makes you live life to its fullest is not about giving in to your circumstances, it is more on how you fight back. Do not be ashamed of who you are. If you keep on feeling low and subdued, chances are youíll not be happy with your life. It is all in the attitude. For example, before you can save, you have to have the money to save, and this is all a matter of attitude. Some people want to become rich, yet what are they doing? They just sleep in late then go to places to bet on lotteries hoping to get instant riches. That kind of attitude will not bring you anywhere. All of the se things boil down to the point that in order to live the life of your dreams you really have to work hard on it. Coupled with a good attitude and optimism, what you have in your dreams will finally soon come true. Best of all, you need focus to your dreams. If you really want to live the life of your dreams, go for it. Do not let lifeís trials despair you. In fact, these are just Godís ways to keep you holding on. And thatís what matters most; hold on so that you can live the life of your dreams.

Everyone in the alcoholic's family suffers effects from the disease. Typically everyone involved in the life of the alcoholic and dysfunctional family has low or no emotional intelligence. They don't know what they think or feel, and don't think they have a right to. Many of the challenges facing Adult Children of Alcoholics (ACAs) can be addressed by developing Emotional Intelligence. Here are some examples. [Source: Adult Children of Alcoholics World Service Organization ( ) 1. ACAs tend to over-react to anger and criticism, and are afraid of authority figures. EQ COMPETENCY: Constructive discontent. If you're an ACA and someone gets angry at you, you shrink inside and shut down or panic, reacting in a way that isn't always appropriate to the actual real-life situation. Leaing constructive ways to deal with the emotions engendered by disagreement and criticism are part of EQ. Emotional Intelligence means not taking constructive criticism personally and emotionally, but getting the message and benefiting from it. Experiencing fear and anger, strong emotions designed for survival, can't be controlled, but we always have a choice in how we respond to them. 2. ACAs often feel isolated and lonely and uneasy with other people. EQ COMPETENCY: Interpersonal skills, Emotional Expression and Communication. Isolation is one of the worst things we can do to ourselves. To live in emotional isolation can be worse on our health than such things as smoking and being overweight. Leaing to communicate well, and express feelings appropriately is part of the EQ experience. 3. ACAs feel like victims when something bad happens to them. EQ COMPETENCY: Personal Power. Personal Power is the opposite of victim-ology. Instead of asking "Who will take care of me?" you lea to ask, "How will I take care of myself?" It means building confidence in your ability to handle your life and believing that you can do it. 4. ACAs are often uncomfortable with emotional intimacy. They're afraid to reveal their feelings and who they are, and reluctant to become vulnerable. EQ COMPETENCY: Emotional Expression. The first step in EQ is self-awareness; to become aware of your feelings. Only then can you lea how to express them accurately and appropriately. 5. ACAs tend to confuse pity with love, and to be more conceed about others than they are about themselves. EQ COMPETENCY: Interpersonal skills, Empathy. Healthy Empathy means being able to understand where the other person is coming from, but with respect for one's own boundaries. You can understand how the other person feels, but not have to join them in the feeling. Empathy does not involve the feeling of pity. 6. ACAs judge themselves harshly and are over-responsible. Often they are perfectionists. EQ COMPETENCY: Being adamantly and relentlessly self-forgiving. Understanding that we're human, and that we all make mistakes is what this is all about. It takes a lot of practice for most of us to 'get' this competency. It involves self-talk and leaed optimism, and managing the emotions of failures, losses, rejections and mistakes. It isn't good for your health, your work, or your relationships to be a perfectionist! 7. ACAs have difficulty in identifying, understanding, and expressing their feelings. EQ COMPETENCY: EQ! The coerstone of Emotional Intelligence is self-awareness – being able to identify and understand your feelings. If you lived in an environment where feelings were not welcome, denigrated, mocked, punished, ignored, denied, or lied about, it will take some practice to be able to bring them up, identify them, and understand them. That's what EQ coaching is all about! 8. ACAs over-value the approval of others, and will ignore their own values, preferences and beliefs in deference to others'. Feeling vulnerable, they protect themselves by being overly anxious to please others. EQ COMPETENCY: Integrated Self, Personal Power and Intentionality. These competencies help us stay centered, and act with intent, based on our own values, preferences, feelings, thoughts, and beliefs. When we own and claim our Personal Power, we can aim to get along with others with good will, but are no longer driven to please someone else at our own expense. 9. ACAs tend to be addicted to excitement. They are risk seekers who prefer constant upset to workable solutions. EQ COMPETENCY: Understanding, accepting and processing emotions, operating with Intentionality, and often being able eventually to modulate emotions. EQ means leaing where emotions come from and how they operate and being able to make choices instead of knee jerk reactions. We lea the different 'feel' or emotions from the reptilian brain and the limbic brain, and when and how to blend this with the thinking brain, the neocortex. Understanding where the need for excitement comes from allows us to manage it, and avoid chaotic situations that self-sabotage. EQ is all about workable solutions and how to achieve them. 10. ACAs are imprisoned by childhood reactions. EQ COMPETENCY: Emotional Intelligence. Emotional Intelligence means understanding where emotions come from, and being able to experience them, consider them, lea from them, and then make a decision to respond (or not), instead of reacting without thinking. Developing your Emotional Intelligence will help you avoid being entrapped in any unrealistic, rash or un-reasoned reaction.

Q: What do famous celebrities like Pink, Britney Spears and the Spice Girls' Mel C all have in common? A: They all have Japanese tattoos! Japanese tattoos are cool. Of course, if you have money to bu like any of these ladies, you can afford to hire a professional translator to pick out the perfect character combination. But if personal translation is out of your league how can you avoid becoming a kanji fashion victim and get stuck with a tattoo you will really regret? 1. Know the difference – hiragana, katakana and kanji Before you talk to your tattoo artist, make sure you know what you are talking about. You say you want a Japanese tattoo, but what do you know about Japanese characters? You need a quick stint in 2-minute Japanese boot camp. First off, let's be clear that there is no Japanese "alphabet". There are three sets of Japanese characters – hiragana, katakana and kanji – and each group has its own history, function and style. Get your head around these facts and you will already know more than 99% of the people walking around with Japanese tattoos right now: Hiragana – These simple, rounded characters represent sounds, but have no independent meaning. They were developed by women in the Heian period and are still considered feminine by Japanese people. Katakana – Developed by Buddhist monks around the same time as hiragana, these are simple, angular characters that also represent sounds and have no meaning of their own. You saw them cascading down the screen in Matrix (although they were backwards!) Kanji – Originally from China, these characters are like pictures, representing a meaning and also several different sounds depending on the situation. Just reading this has probably given you an idea of which style you might like for your tattoo – but don't stop just yet! Now you know what kinds of Japanese characters there are, let's move on to… 2. Writing styles Come a bit closer. Lean forward towards the screen. That's right. Now, look at the words in front of you. Take a good, close look at the shapes of these letters. OK? Now tell me honestly: Would you want a tattoo in Times New Roman? How about Tahoma? What's that? You don't want a tattoo by Canon or Epson? Sure you don't. And in the same way, you don't want to have your Japanese tattoo looking like a printout either! So, now we move on to writing styles. Just like there are three kinds of Japanese characters, there are also three ways they can be written. Don't worry. This is easy! I know, you are thinking that you can't even read Japanese, so how on earth will you be able to recognize these different styles? Well, try this: Kaisho – Block letters. You leaed to write your ABCs like this, and Japanese kids lea to write their characters in just the same way: Like a Volvo – boxy but good. Gyousho – Cursive letters. You moved up to middle school and leaed you could write faster by letting the parts of some letters flow into the next. Yes, you guessed it - the Japanese do the same thing, and they call it gyousho. Sousho – Super-cursive letters. Ever seen a prescription from a doctor? Then you know what sousho is like in Japanese: Sure, the writer or some other trained person can (probably) read it, but no one else has a clue what it says! Are you getting the picture? If you want to look like a computer printout, then be my guest and go for the kaisho style. That's your choice. But I think you probably want to use either gyousho or sousho for your tattoo. My personal preference would be gyousho: It's stylish, but it won't leave even native speakers baffled. 3. Real or fake? Remember I mentioned Mel C at the beginning? Well guess what kanji she got tattooed on her arm? That's right – "Girl Power": Great in English, but show this kanji combincation to most Japanese people and you'll get a blank look at best. Want a worse example? Try "big daddy". Now, you know what it means in English, but put it into kanji and you end up with "large father"! It just doesn't work. I'm sure you remember that kanji are the only characters that have meaning as well as sound. And their beauty means that they are what most people want for their tattoos. But watch out: As well as being popular, they can also be the most dangerous! Let's see if we can find a patte here: Look carefully at the examples above. What are they communicating - concrete concepts or abstract ideas? Can you see the difficulty the translators had? The kanji for "dragon", "samurai", "love" or any other concrete ideas are pretty easy to discover. But go for anything with an idiomatic meaning and whoever is trying to help you translate it is going to get a major headache! Just an idea, but how about this suggestion: Rather than trying to force a round English peg into a square Japanese hole, why not find a real Japanese phrase that you like and get that instead? Bushidou (the Way of the Warrior) and Ninjutsu (The Art of Stealth) are two good examples of real Japanese terms that would make great tattoos. 4. Your name in Japanese As I'm sure you remember from 2-minute Japanese boot camp, katakana are the characters usually used to write foreign words and names. So, if you want to get a tattoo of your name, technically these would be the characters you would choose. But I am guessing that, like most people, you want your name written in kanji. Do a quick search on Google and you can find a number of sites that specialize in translating names into kanji. Basically there are two different methods that these sites use, so let's look at them here. Translating the meaning This method involves finding out the original meaning of the English name, and then researching the kanji equivalent. For example, my name has its origins in Greek and means "crowned one". The one who is crowned is the king, so I could translate my name into the kanji for king and call myself ohsama. (Perhaps a little pretentious – and disturbingly similar to Mr. Bin Laden's first name!) Translating the sound This is a lot more difficult! Flick through a dictionary and you will find a bunch of kanji that can be combined to sound like your name. But sound isn't everything: Remember that kanji have meaning as well. In fact, it is even more complex than this! Be sure to check each of the following factors with anyone who translates your name like using this method: 1. Sound – Does it sound like your name or not? I have seen my name "translated" on certain websites to sound like Stefan. Shame my name (Stephen) is actually said the same as Steven! 2. On-yomi and kun-yomi – Yes, more technical words! But don't panic – they are easy to understand: Basically, kanji have two kinds of reading. One kind, on-yomi, is their original Chinese sound. The other, kun-yomi, is their Japanese-only sound. What to watch is that (like oil and water) on-yomi and kun-yomi don't mix. Use either all on-yomi reading or all kun-yomi readings to make the sound of your name. 3. Meaning – Do the kanji have a good meaning together? Now, it can be very difficult to find kanji that sound right and have a good meaning, so you may need to compromise a little on one of these. 4. Masculine or feminine – I guess this is more like a sub-category of meaning, but it is something you need to check out to avoid embarrassment. For example, while "Asian Beauty" may be a great combination for a woman, I get the feeling most men would not be too happy about having that permanently written into their skin! 5. If in doubt, check! First, use your new-found knowledge of Japanese to ask a few difficult questions to your tattoo artist or kanji "specialist". If you get the feeling they don't know what they are talking about, you probably want to look elsewhere. Next, before you get anything permanent done, use an online dictionary (like the one at to check whether the Japanese really means what you want it to. You may not be able to input Japanese yourself, but you can copy and paste characters from an email or web page and see what they mean. Finally, if you are lucky enough to know any, ask a Japanese person what they think. Their confused expression may tell you that you have come up with another "big daddy"! Follow this advice and you will avoid the most dangerous pitfalls of Japanese tattoos and get a kanji tattoo you can be proud of.

How to clean your sterling silver

Posted by Kat Turner | 1:48 AM | 0 comments »

How to clean your sterling silver

     Clean your sterling silver jewelry with a Polishing Cloth or a soft sterling silver cleaning cloth and gently rub off any excess makeup. Remember silver is a very soft metal and you can scratch it if you aren't careful so don't rub it too harshly.      After you have clean it store your silver in an airtight zip lock bag. Save the one it came in, it works perfectly. This will help prevent some taishing. Remember sterling silver is meant to be wo and your body oils also help prevent taishing.      Do not use liquid jewelry cleaner on your jewelry. To clean away excessive taish, clean your sterling with a soft cloth. You may also use a nonabrasive brand name paste silver polish to remove excessive taish. A silver cloth is the best way to remove taish from jewelry. Be sure the item to be cleaned is free from dust and other abrasives. Note: Liquid silver cleaner will remove the black (taish) coloring from the letter blocks and may discolor the silver.     Please note that you shouldn't wear any valuable jewelry, clothing or shoes when cleaning, around chemicals or swimming.

Choosing the Moving Service You Need

Posted by Kat Turner | 4:04 AM | 0 comments »

There are a variety of services offered by moving company for a wide range of prices. Before going for a moving company service it's recommended that you compare different ones. Asking your friends about the experiences they had with the moving services they used can be a good place to start. Alteatively, you can get information about companies that offer moving services from the Better Business Bureau (BBB) or the American Moving and Storage Association (AMSA). It's recommended choosing a moving company that is a member of the AMSA or the BBB because their members have agreed to abide by a code and give you the chance to compare movers and their moving services. Members of AMSA are required to provide disclosure of the moving information, written estimates of the charges that may occur and also provide timely service and give a prompt response to any claims or complaints the customer might have. After you have your list of moving services providers, you should provide them with the destination and timing of the move. Ask for a detailed list of their moving services and an explanation of the estimates they will provide and get a copy. After all information is compiled compare the moving companies you chose to see which best fits your needs and your budget.. If moving to another state make sure you understand the information you'll receive. The moving company is required to give you more then just the brochures explaining the moving services they provide, a copy of a consumer booklet with the title "Your Rights and Responsibilities When You Move". Besides that, you should also receive information about the mover's participation in a Dispute Settlement Program. The arrangements for you move should be made in advance, 5-6 weeks before the moving date is a minimum. Before choosing the mover make sure you understand the following: - rates and charges of the moving company for the services; - the liability for the belongings; - the way pickup and delivery will be done; - the claims protection you have.

Marking your property is one of the most simple and effective ways of protecting your possessions. - For a start, property marking puts burglars off because it lets others know that the item has been stolen, making it much more difficult to sell. The other big advantage is that it makes tracing and retuing your stolen property a lot easier for the police. - The police say that there are two main types of property marking: the first is known as permanent marking, when you engrave or "punch" your property with your street number and zip code. Inexpensive permanent marking kits can be bought from most hardware stores. - Make sure you engrave with a fine drill or sharp pointed tool, and use a template or stencil to keep it neat and tidy. Punching is a form of permanent marking that is done with a hammer and a set of punches bearing numbers and letters. This method is good for bicycles, mowers, engines, or other sturdy metal objects, but don't use this on aluminum as it's easily damaged. Of course, you could just improvise and scratch your zip code on it with a sharp object, depending on how happy you expect to be with the final appearance. Invisible Protection - Invisible marking is the other method of property marking. This is best for antiques or valuable property that would lose value if spoiled by permanent marking. Police usually check stolen property with a special ultra-violet lamp, so an ultra-violet (UV) marker pen should be used. Just as for permanent marking, use your postcode and mark again if you move. The police say that it is important to remember that UV marking fades and will need to be renewed every so often. - Most police forces run schemes that let you borrow a UV or ceramic marker and you can buy them at most hardware stores. However, in some cases, chemicals can be used to remove invisible marking, and as it fades quickly, you should remember to regularly update your markings. - Although you can't see it with the naked eye, invisible marking can still be a deterrent to burglars, but you must let them know you've done it by using a sticker from the police saying, "property in this hime has been marked". Contact your local police for more details about this. - When it comes to deciding which items to mark, the answer is "up to you". Think about what you value the most and what might be attractive to thieves. The truth is almost anything can be a target for theft, so why not mark everything. - It's worth keeping a property list or inventory of all your household possessions, and be sure to mark the things that you own as you compile your list, including items kept in your shed or garage. - Finally, where your property is marked is important, especially if engraving or punching. The chances are you'll want to keep the mark out of site, so try marking undeeath or around the back of the item. The most important thing to remember is to choose a surface that can't be removed without spoiling the basic appearance or performance of the item. If thieves can't remove your mark without breaking your property, then it's worthless and they probably won't want it. Stay safe! Visit and for all of your self defense and security item needs.

Falling in love - someday it will happen to you. You will find yourself suddenly falling in love and it will amaze you. You can't run away from it. Love eventually catches up with everyone. It may be sooner or later. Whatever the time, however long it takes, you can be absolutely sure someday you will fall head over heels in love with someone. But that is not the scary part. The part that scares most people is the fact that love sometimes tend to be blind - or so it seems. The truth is, true love is hard to come by. Real love is rare. When you finally find something that seems like true love, you grab it with both hands. You invest everything you've got in it. Unfortunately, you may find out months later that it isn't real love. You have been chasing a dream! That brings us back to the really scary part. Love tends to be blind. People falling in love tend to be irrational and illogical. The love emotion takes over. Thereafter nothing else matters. Why is this scary? The answer is simple. Love can be destructive. Love, blind love, can ruin your life. Yes, some kind of love is blind love. This kind of love is infatuation. True love or real love, is constructive and upbuilding. True love is realistic, compassionate, considerate, unselfish, practical and down-to-earth. Blind love or infatuation is unrealistic, selfish, and destructive. When falling in love, ask yourself what kind of love you are falling into. Is it true love or infatuation? Is your love based on unselfish and realistic expectations or on a fantasy? Consider an example of how blind love, infatuation, can be. Sharon was from a decent and wealthy home. She was an undergraduate who had everything she wanted. She was astoundingly beautiful and well-trained and cultured. Understandably, suitors came in droves. Her father's wealth poured her way. So she was rich in the accepted sense of the word. The suitors asking her hand in marriage were just as rich. Many had an enviable social status. However, Sharon just wasn't interested. Marriage wasn't in her books yet. And when she decides to get married, she would marry the man of her dreams. So she said. Eventually, Sharon fell in love. Unfortunately, her lover was a rude shock to everyone including her parents. Sharon's boyfriend was a heroine smoking cult boy with an attitude. He wasn't exactly crazy about her. But she footed his bill and paid his way to smoking haven. So he put up with her. Sharon, on the other hand, was madly in love. She saw something in him she hadn't seen anywhere else. Her boyfriend, Larry, was broad shouldered, tall, tough, raw, bold, unrelenting, and daring. He could stare death in the face and not bart an eyelid. Her boyfriend was a real man! Sharon was madly in love with Larry and there was no stopping her. Her parents could not understand why their rich and well-breed daughter fell in love with a poor heroine smoking gangster. Her friends couldn't undertand either. Can you feel Sharon's love? Do you understand why this gentle girl fell for a hoodlum? Sharon fell in love with a dream - a bold, daring, no nonsense, dare devil guy. He had the looks and the heart of a lion. She admired that bravery, that manly boldness. Soon that admiration tued to love. And there was no stopping her. However, she was on the wrong road. True love is not based on physical attraction. Physical attraction eventually fails as people get older and age. What counts most is spiritual virtues - your lover's endearing personality. A heroine smoking gangster will eventually get into trouble and land himself in jail. A cultist gangster takes delight in beating people up and formenting trouble. Sooner or later, if they get married, she may become a battered wife. Do you get the point? Infatuation is blind, physical, destructive. True love is clear-sighted, upbuilding, refreshing. True love, real love, is based on realistic expectations and facts. It is selfless and works for the good of her partner. Infatuation, on the other hand, doesn't care about reality. It focuses on the physical and immediate gain. Evaluate your feelings properly before continuing with that love relationship. Relationships based on true love lasts forever. Relationships based on infatuation are usually temporary and momentary. That is the very reason why some marriages last two weeks, some seven days and still others, a lifetime. The difference is true love. Real love is true and lasts forever. Thinking of falling in love? Make sure it is real love. Evaluate your lovers potentials in relation to your desires and reality - what is known and proven to make relationships last. Hey, fall in love the right way. It's your life. It's your future. It's your happiness at stake.

Does my life make a difference

Posted by Kat Turner | 6:55 PM | 0 comments »

Thank you to painter Phil Roberts for the inspiration to write my following article. "Does my life make a difference?" "Does anyone ever notice me?" "What purpose does my writing have?" These are questions that we have asked ourselves, at one point in our lives. Are you uncertain about your impact on others? Do you feel that your time of usefulness is over? You never know who may be appreciating you as a person or your work as an artist. Ironically, I had not given any of this much thought until June when I leaed of Phil Roberts. In June I came across a painting on the inteet named "Fathers Day'. The painting was painted by Phil Roberts. I was inspired by that painting so much that it sparked my muse. I wrote a poem regarding the painting. Then with no hesitation or thought, I quickly sent it off to Mr. Roberts. A day later Mr. Roberts sent me an email, it changed the way I thought about my writing and life. Here is that following email. Dear Rose, I'm floored! I am so flattered by your poem. It's beautiful. To hear that the work you do inspires someone else to be creative, makes everything so worth it. And to hear about it is such a gift. Thank you so much for your e-mail, I have the biggest smile on my face... you made my week. The father in the painting is a close family friend and famous Florida surfer Dick Catri and his daughter Kim. I did the painting as a present to Kim when she had her first son, Dick's first grandchild. Dick's health is failing as of late, we all are worried about him. I forwarded your poem to Kim; I know it'll make her cry. The painting is even more special now that I have my first daughter and looking forward to the day I take her surfing. The original art was featured in a museum show in Corpus Cristi, Texas and will probably end up in the surf museum in Cocoa Beach, Florida. I would love to send you a print of the painting to say Thanks, if you'd like...e-mail me an address. As my friend / writer Drew Kampion says "Life is a wave, Surf it gracefully", as you have captured so eloquently. Keep on writing. That was the first email I received from Mr. Roberts I was touched that he liked my poem so much. Prior to this I was feeling disappointed. I was wondering if my life had any value or if people cared. I mean I was always one not to hesitate doing something nice for someone. I corresponded to Mr. Roberts's first mail and he sent me a second one back. In the second letter I sent him a photo asking if this was Dick Catri. After all I had now known the history behind the painting and I wanted to take a closer look. Yes, that's Dick Catri! How'd you find that photo? The inteet is scary amazing. He's an East Coast Champion and Hall of Fame'r. He was a big wave surfer with the legends, like Greg Noll, in Hawaii during the '60s. I got my first job airbrush painting on his surfboards when I was 15. I've been very close with his family ever since. The tribe of surfers is a tight knit family. I shared you poem with his daughter Kim, she thought it was "extremely cool" and can't wait to share it with Dick on Fathers Day. My heart goes out to you for the loss of your father, but "from where I sit" I see that his spirit is definitely lives in your words. The love you put out there in your writing is already effected myself and others and has come back to you. Again thank you for your poem. Now I was even more confident and pleased, that Kim was sharing a poem that I had written with her father. It made writing even more of a joy. To think my poem moved someone enough to share it with their loved one. It has been said, "No man is an island." We should never underestimate the impact we can have on others. If this was not the first of lessons God was showing me, that I had an impact on others. I received a private message just that day in my inbox that read I don't know if you remember me, but I was a member of your online group among friends....I really miss talking to ya and I am so Happy I found this site... Hope to talk soon...~KRISTI~ This came from a young woman who was a member of an online community I ran two years ago a web ring for women who I had not talk to sense I closed the site. I was flattered and touched that on her website she still had all the gifts and awards from when I ran my web ring. She then said to me "Rose of course I still have all my awards...they mean so much to me Another online friend said to me that week, Do you know why the Dead Sea is dead? I said no why? Well, because the water flows only one way. It does nothing but take, like many people we know. You are more like the Atlantic. You both take and give. Therefore you thrive and give life to others. Think of this analogy when ever you feel down and if anyone gives a damn. I never thought that I had much of an impact on those around me, but I guess I really do. So next time you are asking yourself,"Does my life make a difference?" "Does anyone ever notice?" You bet they do. You see you may be just writing these feelings down as a way to express your emotions, you might be doing something for someone because it's in your nature to do kind deeds. However it is the over impact that you have on a person that is the most rewarding thing out of life. When I'm on my death bed, I want to leave this world knowing three things. Did I live my life to the fullest? Did I live my life as I wanted to, not as others wanted and did I touch the life of just one person? Now I can honestly say I have.

Deep Doghouse Communication for Angry Men

Posted by Kat Turner | 8:58 PM | 0 comments »

Word wrap to 60, (751 words) **************************************** Many times when an angry or rageful man comes into the office to see me for the first visit, he is in a deep crisis. Such was the case with Jerry. He was in the "deep doghouse." He was separated from his wife and she had filed for divorce. A man is in the "deep doghouse" when his wife is very angry and most of the communication is her expressing anger, displeasure and criticism of him. Although Jerry was deep in the doghouse, he was what I call an eager customer. He was not interested in spending the session explaining to me how he was right and she was wrong. Neither was he particularly interested in exploring his psychological make-up or that of his wife. Jerry was an engineer with 20 years at a big oil company. Often, therapists complain of engineers because they are slow to get in touch with their feelings. However, engineers are my favorite clients because they put the pressure on me to provide something that works and works quickly. He wanted something to prove to his wife that he was making a dramatic change. We discussed the importance of abstaining from the 15 behaviors that trigger rageaholics. Jerry said that he would work to control his behavior. He said that he would not be in this predicament if he had been abstaining from these behaviors all along, especially profanity. The next week he said that things were no worse with his wife and he had not lost his temper. I complimented Jerry on his good work. He had done a great job of not exploding, even when his wife was cursing him and calling him names. Jerry went to great lengths to stop his profanity, name- calling, mocking and threatening, and he even kept a quiet voice. When I asked him what he wanted to get out of the next session, he said, "I want to lea how to stop arguing with her, if that is possible." He said that they kept having very long arguments that went on for hours on the phone. I told Jerry that there were three words that would stop any argument: You are right. These words will stop an argument because in order to have an argument, there has to be a disagreement. Without a disagreement, it is impossible to have an argument. Now these words go against some of our training as men. What we men have leaed is how to hang on to being right. I was told that I should never give up when I was right. I was taught to stick to what I believed. And this idea of sticking with what you believe, never stopping, hanging on to being right, may be useful in many areas of your life, but I think you probably have found that it is not useful in your marriage. The truth of the matter is, no matter what anyone says, you can usually find some smidgen of truth in it. You can acknowledge they are right in some way. "You are right" does not mean you agree to change anything. I say this over and over again—and it is hard for most ragers to comprehend. Someone telling me that I am selfish, self-centered and egotistical is not a request for a behavioral change. These are universal, human frailties. I make no commitment to change any behavior when I agree with my wife that I am selfish, self-centered and egotistical. It is not the time to argue when you are deep in the doghouse and your wife is ranting and raving at you. When deep in the doghouse, you should not explain your behavior, not defend your behavior and certainly not counterattack. Deep doghouse communication is about receiving the message and validating her point of view. It is about receiving, not sending. Arguments get started when you try to send back when she is still sending. If you say, "Well, you haven't always been around here either--How about the two weeks you went to visit your mother?" that is gasoline on the fire. Many of you may be thinking, "But what if she isn't right? Am I supposed to lie?" I suggest that you: 1. Say the phrase, "You are right." 2. Find some truth in what she is saying and agree with it. 3. Get your "but" out of the way. Don't say, "You are right, but…" You can state your opinion when you get out of the doghouse.

Get Long Celebrity Hair Styles in One Day

Posted by Kat Turner | 11:29 PM | 0 comments »

You see them on the cover of magazines, Jessica Simpson, Jennifer Aniston, Faith Hill, all with long sexy beautiful hair styles. Does it seem like just yesterday they had much shorter hair? With the advent of hair extensions, you too can achieve these glamorous long celebrity hair styles and have long hair in just a few hours. Maybe you are not preparing for your next movie role, or the cover of a magazine, but you can certainly take advantage of this popular trend to get instant long, thick and even highlighted hair. Hair extensions involve attaching human or synthetic hair directly to your natural hair using one of many different methods. The extensions offer a natural, "looks like it grew out of your head" look that can quickly fix hair issues such as a bad hair cut, thinning hair or just give you long hair when you want it. Hair extensions come in many shapes, sizes and prices. They are not a one size fits all type of product. Research into the various methods is essential to have a successful outcome. There are different hair extension methods for thinning hair, thick hair, curly hair, straight hair and more. These six steps to hair extensions covers all the bases for researching hair extensions. Step One: Determine if hair extensions are for you. Do your research on what is involved in getting and maintaining hair extensions and what they cost. Step Two: Discover how the hair extensions are attached. Which method would be best for your hair? Perhaps schedule several hair extension consultations with hair stylists in your area. Step Three: Select one or more hair extension methods and research the company thoroughly. Step Four: Select a salon that offers the method your are interested in and make an appointment for a consultation. Step Five: Check the salon and stylist out. Are they qualified to do hair extensions? Step Six: Schedule your appointment to get the hair extensions. Understand what you must do to care for your brand new long hair style. While following these six steps will not alleviate all issues associated with hair extensions, it may make your selection of a hair extension method and salon much easier. For more detailed information on each step listed above, refer to

How to Buy a Home with No Money Down

Posted by Kat Turner | 12:45 AM | 0 comments »

For many of us coming up with "the" down payment for a home is quite a struggle. There are many reasons for this, such as your income, your family needs, your savings account is well, non-existent. Not to long ago if you didn't have at least 10 percent down you didn't have a 10th of a percent of buying a home. As of late it can be a very affordable 5 percent or zero percent. Okay now on to how it is done... So let's say you are a first time buyer (although this also works if you have already owned a home) and you simply need a break. You need a way to get into the market without spending a cent. Its called the No Money Down Mortgage, at least that's what its called where I live, maybe its called Zero Money Down where you live but you get the idea. Now here is what is needed : There are specific qualifications....and yes they are pretty much in this order. Read on MacDuff.... 1. An A Plus Credit History. No recent history of any bad debt of any kind, which also includes all payments for your credit cards or shopping cards etc, etc. must be paid on time in most recent months. 2. Limited liabilities. This means something like "Sign here....don't move while we look into your ENTIRE credit history, but disclosure is not a bad thing, if your credit is good it will certainly work in your favour. This is done to make sure you can carry the extra debt. 3. At least 3 years of stable employment. This needs to be verified on paper by your employer preferably or some form of financial statements. The employer is much better in most cases. Finally. You must be able to carry large monthly payments. Without a down payment, obviously lenders and the bank want to make sure you can handle the obligation of larger payments, The monthly payments may increase from a few to several hundred more a month but you can buy several styles of home. This is the program in detail it is widely known and used by almost all banking institutions for greater details or understanding I highly suggest you go to your local bank and have a sit down with your financial advisor, someone you know and trust. So in a nutshell, if the down payment is the current problem, it may no longer be with this program. You no longer need to pay your landlords mortgage, you can immediately get into a home with this program if you qualify. And again, sorry to repeat myself but go and make an appointment to review this option with your realtor or banker or both. It's worth taking a look at. And always ask about mortgage leads...this will get the ball moving a little faster. Now go get that house

Choosing A Lift Chair

Posted by Kat Turner | 9:21 PM | 0 comments »

For some people, getting up from a sitting position can be quite a chore. Lift chairs help in this regard. In today's mode world, lift chairs offer those who have difficulty sitting down and getting up from sitting the opportunity to live normal lives even with their disability. There are many reasons why people have difficulty getting into and out of a sitting position. Some suffer from arthritis, and getting up from a sitting position is all but impossible for them. Many of those who are advanced in age show signs of muscle weakening and difficulty in moving about. This is to be expected as people age. However, without assistance, life for these people becomes extremely inconvenient and, at time, embarrassing. To help make their lives easier, lift chairs were invented. Lift chairs are fuitures that make getting into and out of a sitting position easier. They are made of usual couch material and may look like a normal couch. They, however, have built in motors that change the position of the seat that helps the user as he moves to stand up. The contraption is activated by buttons on the seat or on a remote control. When the user wants to sit down, all he or she has to do is lean weight on the seat. This triggers a mechanism that lowers the user into sitting position. The mechanism of these chairs prevents users from flopping down unceremoniously on the couch. It provides stability and support for the sitting and standing movement. There are many reasons why one would want to use a lift chair. As mentioned earlier, one of the reasons one would want to use lift chairs is arthritis. Other diseases include Parkinson's, Lou Gehrig's and other mobility limiting conditions. People who suffer from other conditions such as knee and hip problems also need lift chairs - as do people who have had accidents, muscular weakness, or even advanced age. For these people lift chairs present the best way to continue living a functional life. They will also be less dependent on other people to get around their homes. Lift chairs also help caregivers. Instead of having to carry their patients in and out of their chairs, their patients can now be assisted by automatic lift chairs. This helps them avoid getting fatigued and sore from carrying their patients. Lift chairs come in different styles, colors and functionalities - and yes prices. At first sight, lift chairs will resemble normal upholstered chairs. They look like your typical sofa, recliner, or chair. Some even double as beds. If you are to buy such fuitures, make sure you choose one that fits the needs of its user. If he or she is more comfortable with a recliner or chair, then by all means consider that style for him or her. You should also consider the fabric for the lift chair you wish to purchase. Some patients have sensitive skin conditions. You should take this into consideration when choosing a lift chair. Leather might irritate some, while some might be irritated by fur. A good knowledge of your patient will assist your decision. You should also consider the size and height of the chair. Its dimensions should match the needs of its user. When shopping for a lift chair, it is important to consider the size and height of the individual who will be using the chair. If it is too small the chair will be uncomfortable for the user. If it is too large, the user might feel the same way. Consider also the weight of the user. Lift chairs can carry large loads but you must make sure the brand you choose can handle the weight of its user. Lift chairs are usually plugged into your typical electric outlet. There are versions, however, that can operate on battery packs. This makes them convenient even in the event of a power black out. There are also brands that have massage units and heating implements. If your patient needs these features, you can have them installed too.

Don t get ripped off at the pump

Posted by Kat Turner | 1:11 AM | 0 comments »

DON"T FILL UP WITHOUT READING THIS We had to put out a fair amount of cash to get these secrets from some experienced gas attendants. This is vital information to all that drive. I'll give you a few tricks that some gas attendants use to make extra money while at work. A few dollars here and there can pay for their lunch or gas money for the day. These guys don't make very much so skimming is an option some dishonest workers use to supplement their income. It's important to remember, most of these guys are just hardworking guys who want nothing more than an honest days work. Most look forward to helping the customer in any way they can, but then there are the others. Scenario 1- A guy comes into the gas station and fills a gas can for his lawn mower. Typical cans hold a gallon of gas, but most of the time a person will simply ask for a dollar, it's a nice round figure. The gas attendant fills the can, collects the money, then either places the nozzle on the ground or hangs it on the pump in an improper manner (If you're looking it's easy to spot). The dollar already pumped doesn't reset until the nozzle is properly hung up. When the next car comes in they simply put the pump in the car and begin filling. Instead of the amount starting from $0.00 it begins from $1.00, and you lose a dollar worth of gas. The best way to combat this is to get out of the car and watch. If you can't; make sure the attendant knows you're looking at what he's doing. I guarantee you, he will reset the pump. Scenario 2- A customer goes in to buy some gas; the attendant checks the oil and tells them the engine oil level is a quart low. Many times they will show the customer the oil dip stick and sure enough it's a quart low. This deception is done buy not sticking the dip stick all the way into the tube. If the stick is left about a quart short it will read a quart low. Then all that has to be done is, get a bottle from the rack, pretend to twist off the top and stick it inside a large funnel. After a few minutes remove the funnel from the engine and toss the bottle into the trash. After the customer pays for service they believe that they've received and leaves, the attendant retrieves the bottle from the trash, wipes it off and retus it to the rack. Scenario 3- Is a variation of number 2. This time when the attendant checks the oil, he sees the level is truly a half quart low. He tells the customer that they are a half quart short and makes the sale. He tops off the level and offers the remaining half quart to the customer, who of course refuses. Who wants to put a messy half quart of oil in their car? He retus that half quart to the rack. When another customer comes in a half quart low, guess what happens? He's now sold the same quart of oil to two different customers. Scenario 4- This scenario is similar to the last one except when the attendant goes to get a bottle of oil to put in the car, he takes a bottle that's already empty from the rack and goes through the same procedure. -Julius Simmons.

Do You Need Anger Management

Posted by Kat Turner | 11:16 PM | 0 comments »

Anger management is not just for crazed maniacs or disgruntled executives. Leaing how to manage minor and major irritations is something everyone needs to do. You may want to start by obtaining general anger management information and progress to enrolling in an anger management class. But first you need to recognize classic symptoms of uncontrolled rage that will alert you to the need for anger management. Everyone loses their temper at times. There is no shame attached to getting upset when the dog has an accident on a freshly scrubbed carpet or a subordinate fails to complete a needed report for your one p.m. meeting. But if you find that you react in extreme ways, it may be time to consider anger management. Anger Management - When Anger Tus to Danger Do you raise your voice when things don't go your way? Some people who are normally mild-mannered tu into yellers or screamers during a conflict. It can happen suddenly, where one moment you are self-controlled and soft-spoken, but the next finds your voice several octaves higher and many decibels louder. Your vocal tone and pitch, along with the words that come out of your mouth provide key indicators of whether you are a prime candidate for anger management. Another symptom category to keep in mind when monitoring your mood is body language. Your fists may clench, your jaws tighten, and your muscles become tense as your ire begins to build. The next time this happens at home, head for the nearest mirror and study your profile. You may see things like bulging eyes, a frowning face, and a frozen posture. Conversely, serpent-like eyes and a frozen expression, coupled with a pale complexion, may suggest the need for anger management assistance. Looking beyond the physical, it is also a good idea to seek others' opinions about whether your temperament might benefit from anger management training. Some may suggest anger management exercises you can do on your own at home, perhaps while engaged in meditation. Others might advocate anger management counseling with a licensed, professional therapist, or anger management classes that you can work into your schedule. You also may want to consider the consequences of any potential anger management problems you might have. For example, have you ever been written up at work for a problem stemming from your failure to practice anger management? Has your anger impacted a serious relationship in a negative way, whether it is with a spouse, child, parent, sibling, friend, or romantic interest? Has a family member or friend suggested that you need the help of anger management? Anger is a healthy emotion that enables us to express dissatisfaction or disappointment with something in our lives. But when it becomes out of control, this personal irritation needs to be trained to remain behind wholesome boundaries. If you have questions about anger management control, visit for help in diagnosing any potential anger management situations for which you may need help or support.

Get Off My Back

Posted by Kat Turner | 7:02 PM | 0 comments »

Dear Jen, There is a person that keeps writing to me who read my personal ad. When I looked back at theirs, I didn't really like what I saw and don't think there is any chance that we would be a good match. How can I get them to leave me alone without being a total jerk. Signed, Sick of It Dear Sick of It, You could also do it directly. Just tell this person that you do not feel that there is a connection between the two of you and that you would just appreciate it if they moved on to find someone who could love them. You can do this nicely. You aren't a jerk if you are honest with tact. If that doesn't work, I don't know which online dating service you joined, but if you check their FAQs or ask their customer service, there is possibly a way to completely block that person from writing you. Many of the online services have this capability. Good luck! Hopefully the right person will come along for you soon. Good luck to you on your quest for love.

You are free to publish this article online in your ezine website, ebook, or other online publication. The full resource box, including 'By line' must remain intact and be published with the article. If you publish this article, please contact me and let me know where you are using it. Contact at: --- **Article info** Word count: 1085 approximately Hard-wrapped at 65 characters --- General advertising and promotion - Multiple streams of Traffic: PART II There are a variety of ways that you can advertise and promote your site or products. In this, Part II of the 'mini-series' on Multiple streams of traffic, I'd like to take a look at a couple of the more commonly known methods of online promotion. Some are much better than others, and some are more suitable than others. Our goal then is to look a little more closely at them to determine if they are suitable for your needs. Read on for more... Banner ads Using banner advertising and displaying banner ads on your site has changed a lot in the last 2 years. The cost and value (benefit) of banner advertising has dropped significantly. I won't talk about them too much other than to say that their main use is now principally as 'branding' tools. A way to get your name/product/site in the front of people's faces quickly. For the average person, it is nearly impossible to get the kind of reach required to really get much benefit from banners. That being said, if you can get good exposure in a niche that fits your market, go for it, it won't hurt. On the other side of things, displaying banners on your site as a source of revenue is only worthwhile if you are getting thousands upon thousands of hits/month. The average CPM is now only about $2.00 (that means you ea $2.00 for every 1000 banners displayed!). Considering that when you display a banner on your site you are promoting a product or site that is not your own, you are giving visitors an exit that does not generate income for you. It isn't any wonder that the top online marketers (Cory Rudl, Jimmy D. Brown, Ken Evoy etc.) don't display ANY ads (banners or anything) from any other site. I am not knocking banners here. They serve a purpose. You just need to be sure that they suit your purposes. I have found that the FastClick Ad Network provides very good service for all your banner advertising needs. FFA's and traffic swaps Let me be very blunt about FFA's. They are a waste of time for anyone except the person who owns it. No matter what the claims may be, they will not produce traffic. Traffic swaps and exit exchanges have to potential to produce reasonably large amounts of traffic, however the problem is that for the most part it is untargeted. Most traffic swaps are based on a system of credits, where your site gets a visitor in exchange for displaying the traffic swap link on your site, or visiting a member site yourself. The real problem is that much of the traffic is simply other webmasters trying to boost their own credits. They are not interested in visiting your site except to get the credit. I'm sure you can see the problems with that. In a way, you can think of traffic swaps as an online equivalent of a highway detour. Lots of traffic gets re-directed your way, but it doesn't really want to be there. If you are interested in leaing more about traffic swaps, you can go here to take a look at a popular one. More recently, a slightly different breed of traffic swap has emerged. These focus on generating ezine subscribers. The way they work is basically the same as the a normal traffic swap, however because they are directed specifically at getting subscribers, they don't create junk traffic. Every time you display the pop-up containing the ezine registration form, you ea an impression for your subscription link on another site. When visitors see the pop-up with the links, they choose to sign up for your ezine. There are still very few of them around, so they are very effective and produce good results. There are a few services that provide opt-in services for a fee (usually in the range of $1.00/subscriber), but I prefer free ;-). I have had very good results with thi s service. It is 100% free and generates dozens of subscribers a week. Ezine advertising Ezine ads (both solo and classified ads) can be very effective if done right. They can also be utterly useless. The key is to get your ads in ezines that are very closely related to your product(s), and that don't run tons of ads. There are literally thousands of ezines out there that are essentially advertising rags. Their only purpose is to run ads for you and every other person willing to spend $15. Before you advertise in any ezine, get some information about the ezine. A decent publisher will know their subscriber base and be able to tell you with reasonable accuracy how responsive the subscribers are, how many ads they run, and if someone has recently run an ad like yours (similar products). If they can't do that, you might want to think twice about advertising with them. Realistically what you want is an ezine with a reasonably large subscriber base (1000 or more), that is closely related to your product, and only accepts limited advertising (e.g. 1 ad/issue). Stephan Peirce's book goes into great detail on how to find good ezines and what to look for and what to avoid - it costs less than a solo ad in a decent ezine, and will save you tons of money in avoided mistakes. A final comment: Anyone who claims they can provide you with 100,000 (500,000, whatever) guaranteed visitors is selling junk. Think of it this way, if it were so easy to get that many targeted visitors (and you only want targeted visitors), you can bet companies (scammers) wouldn't be selling them because they would be raking in millions in profits by directing those visitors to their own products and sites! Do a little math, 1% conversion (a very low rate) from 100,000 visitors = 1,000 buying visitors. Sell a $10 product and you have $10,000. If such a profit is possible, why the hell is this kind of traffic sold for $50-$200? Quite simply because it is junk traffic, frequently created by piggy backing on traffic exchanges and FFA's. In the next section of the series we will start to look at some of the less well known methods of traffic generation, and how you can put them to use to generate a more stable and consistent base of traffic for your own sites. --------------------------- Eric Koshinsky: webmaster and guide at We aim to provide useful tips and guidance for those who are new to personal online marketing. Lea more about programs, techniques, and software that can help you reach your online marketing goals. Come on by and have a look. Join our newsletter: