You build it and they will come is the battle cry of Web Page Designers. Many people are hooked on this idea. Well it's not that easy or is it? There is a way to try E-commerce before you jump in with the big dollars. During this trial period, you could lea to build your own web page, play in the retail market, and yes Ea While You Lea. Build your E-commerce business like you built your current business. Do it yourself so you don't have to rely on high dollar transit programmers. How? Use Auction Sites as your playground. You would be surprised to lea the retu you could achieve with just a little bit of knowledge. As our clients know, we don't teach anything we don't actually work in! When we decided to ea while we leaed, we picked eBay. In addition to making money, we leaed valuable information about E-commerce, and: Lessons in shipping Lessons in customer support. Lessons in accepting online credit cards We now have over 100 E-commerce clients with repeat clients. During our auctions, our website hits increase dramatically. So before you jump into E-commerce, first lea to walk slowly and then run. What's the cost of eBay? If you accept credit cards, and lea some tricks, the cost of listing, and credit card fees runs approximately six percent of the sales price. You can lea more about our eBay clients at, a support site for the self-employed.
How to Optimize Accessibility and Mobility in Your Home
Posted by Kat Turner | 4:09 AM | 0 comments »How to Optimize Accessibility and Mobility in Your Home 1. When assistive devices are being used in the home there is sometimes a problem with doorways being too narrow. Some hardware stores have hinges that allow the door to open and drop back in line with the frame and provide an extra few inches for access. 2. Remove the trim around the inside edge of the door from the floor to the midway point of the frame. This will add an extra half inch to the door way and may be enough to allow a wheelchair or walker to pass through. 3. Remove the standard door and install a bypass door on overhead track. 4. Mount an adjustable mirror above the stove if you are in a wheelchair so you can see into the pots on the stove from your chair. 5. Take the hand rims off a wheelchair to make it just a bit narrower., 6. Buy a reacher to use for tuing buers off and on if they are located across the back of the stove. This is helpful for persons in a wheelchair as well as someone with restricted movement in their shoulders and arms. 7. Buy a roll of that "waffle" or non skid shelf liner at the hardware or kitchen store and cut into circles that fit over jar lids. It makes opening jars and bottles easier. 8. Speciality stores sell cutlery with large handles for people with arthritis or impaired use due to stroke. They are expensive. Try wrapping your own kitchen utensils with foam pipe wrap from the hardware store. 9. Another option is to buy a long handled parfait spoon and bend the handle into a loop. This allows the user to wrap their fingers around the loop and does not require them to grip as tightly. 10. Buttons on heavy winter coats can be a problem for arthritic or cold hands. Try using elastic thread on the buttons. That bit of extra give makes them easier to do up. 11. As we age our eyes take longer to adjust to the darkness. Use night lights to make noctual visits to the fridge or bathroom safer. Use a plastic drink glass for next to the bed or in the bathroom to eliminate the chance of cuts. 12. Make sure phones have oversize lit key pads so they can be easily seen and used in an emergency . DO NOT program 911 into the auto dial on the phone. If it is touched in error a call will go out and waste valuable emergency services time and resources. 13. Phones that must be tued on or off by pushing a button are a good choice. Do not place the bedroom phone on the floor next to the bed or on a soft piece of fuiture such as a chair or footstool. This may sound logical but many a relative has been frantic when they could not reach Granny for hours, only to drive 50 miles and find the phone off the hook. 14. Mount battery operated lights in closets or cupboards that do not have lights in them. Put scarves, hats and gloves in baskets that can be easily reached to avoid stretching to reach the top shelf. 15. There are all sorts of gadgets out there to automate lights indoors and out. Don't forget the exterior of your home. Be safe. Have lights on near the entrance and from the driveway to the door. Decrease the chance of tripping. If you arrive home with a car full of parcels wait until daylight to unload them. 16. If tuing lights off or on is a problem because of stiff fingers or reaching across a table or chair is required to locate the switch, try one of the many items now available. There are peddles that can be stepped on to activate lamps and lamp bases that only need to be touched to tu on the light. 17. A tennis ball cut and slipped over a door knob also makes it easier to grip and tu. 18. Keys with large round tops are also easier to manage. If possible get new keys made with these tops. Some have rubberized, colour rims on them for easier grip and identification on a full key chain. 20. If zippers are hard to manage add a tassel, large loop or cord so stiff fingers don't have to work so hard. 21. Mattresses and upholstered fuiture should be vacuumed regularly. Dust mites live in ALL carpets and fuiture, even in a clean home. They can aggravate breathing problems and allergies if not kept under control. Everyone's tolerance is different. 22. Put a chair or bench close to the entrance so there is a place to sit and remove or put on shoes. Bending over or standing up too quickly can cause dizziness. 23. Rearrange fuiture such as foot stools and side tables to allow for wider walkways and easier access with canes or walkers. Written by Deborah Baker at
Are you dreading the holidays because you are single? For those who are alone, this can be a difficult season -- especially if you know what it is like to be in a relationship during this time of year. This can, however, be your best time of the year if you follow this plan: 1. Participate in Lots of Holiday Gatherings Who knows? You may meet Mr. or Ms. Right at that next party. Or you may meet someone who knows someone who is right for you. And you will most certainly have fun, which makes for a good holiday season. So how do you find these gatherings? Ask your friends, family, neighbors and co-workers about upcoming holiday events. Then see if you can join in on the fun! 2. Volunteer Many people volunteer during the holidays, especially very good-hearted, loving people -- the kind of people with whom you want to be in a relationship! This is why volunteering is a great way to meet others while also making yourself feel good for contributing. How do you find these opportunities for holiday volunteering? Look in your local paper and in your phone book for charitable organizations. Or contact your local United Way for charitable organizations in your area. 3. Worship Religion and spirituality can be uplifting and satisfying for your soul. Thus, the holidays are the perfect time to rejoin or revisit your place of worship. Plus, you'll find that lots of other people are making the same choice this season! If you have trouble meeting your fellow worshipers, take on a volunteer role. Become a greeter, volunteer on a holiday committee, or take on some other role that fits your personality and interests. Being in a role with a job to do makes it easier to strike up conversation with people -- and possibly find romance! 4. Participate at Work Are there holiday events going on at your work? If so, participate! If not, lead a group of people in organizing some activities. Create opportunities to socialize with as many of your co-workers as possible, then ask each of them to bring friends to the events. 5. Send Out a Holiday Letter Mail a letter about your life to your friends and family, and maybe even to work clients. Tell them about significant events and milestones in your year -- and tell them you are single and looking! Describe your ideal mate and include your picture. Who knows what the postman will bring back? 6. Step Out of the Ordinary Participate in activities that you either normally avoid or don't have time to do. And take time to research brand-new activities in which you can partake. Step out of your norm and you are likely to meet new and interesting people. Some ideas for activities: speed dating, neighborhood gatherings, singles clubs, dances, group nature hikes, etc. Find these activities by looking in your local paper, surfing the Inteet, and listening to your local radio stations. Also ask your friends if they know of any fun group events. 7. Be More Social Try to attend at least three social occasions a week right now -- perhaps a party, a singles event, and a work event. These activities should not just consist of you and your friends going out. Do things that will expose you to new people. If you can manage more then three social events a week, you will be even better off. The more social you are, the more people you will meet. 8. Be Happy You want to shine and be attractive this holiday season. This can be somewhat achieved with stylish clothes, a good haircut, and jewelry and makeup for women. However, it will be better achieved by being happy, which will make you shine from the inside out. Make yourself happy by working on your attitude on a daily basis. Focus on being grateful for the bounty of what you have, even if you feel that what you have is not enough. 9. Give and Be Generous Give to friends and loved ones, but also give to strangers and charity. The more you give, the more joyous and in the holiday spirit you will feel. The more joyous you feel, the more attractive you will be to others. People want to be with joyous, happy people. 10. Make a Significant Emotional Shift Lea something extraordinary and profound about yourself, your relationships, or your life. Transform some part of yourself. Change something so radically that you will have no doubt about the change. This will help you attract love now and will guarantee that your relationships will be better in the future. Knowing this, you will enjoy the holidays more. Your Relationship Coach, Rinatta Paries (c) Rinatta Paries, 1998-2002. Do you know how to attract your ideal mate? Do you know how to build a fulfilling relationship, or how to reinvent yours to meet your needs? Relationship Coach Rinatta Paries can teach you the skills and techniques to attract and sustain long-term, healthy partnerships. Visit where you'll find quizzes, classes, advice and a free weekly ezine. Become a "true love magnet(tm)!"
The more we discover who God is, the more we come to realize there is no opinion of value, apart from God, in even the simplest of matters. For example: How many times have we had a profound thought, considering it of no importance to write it down; keeping it until its divine purpose is revealed? There is many a poet, song writer, or author whose gift God is trying to awaken, to use for Him; God's effort being cheapened due to low opinions of ourselves. I don't know of anyone who respects a writer, thinking him a loafer, except he has actually been published. Try to get a loan, or a common job, listing occupation as 'writer'. Apply for a writing position and the most likely question will be, "Where did you get your education, or training?" People snub male writers, thinking it a sick excuse to avoid society or work (unless they are, already, bringing in big bucks). If one keeps a diary, television tells us it will be full of dark secrets that will only come back to haunt us. When a child finds pleasure in recording their thoughts, we, sometimes, impatiently await them outgrowing it. Knowing one who keeps meticulous books, records, and ledgers (except it be their job or it directly benefits us); we tend to think them a neat freak, obsessive, or weird. Where do we get these ideas of what is important, or acceptable, and what is not? How do we get the gall to look down on people different from us? When did we start thinking God could not use people, without degrees, or that money is proof of God's calling? And, who made our opinion the authority, anyway? God is the author above all authors; who 'not only used ordinary people, of extra-ordinary faith, to write the Bible (the greatest collection of books ever written) but,' keeps meticulous books, records, and ledgers in Heaven ... even a diary of memories, Malachi 3:16. Compelling some of God's children with His creative ability to write; when we put them down, we put Him down. If God calls you out to be different, follow Him every step of the way and His purpose will be revealed. I am convinced, more and more, that we need to quit telling God what He believes and thinks in EVERY given matter. Only then can we begin to know how He sees things. ~ A Blessing to You ~ Minister to the saved. Minister to the lost. Minister to each other Without counting the cost. Be there for each other, As God asks you to do. Showing His love toward others Will be a blessing to you. © by Joyce C. Lock This writing may be used in its entirety, with credits in tact, for non-profit ministering purposes.
1. Meditation: Our minds are often like glasses of water filled with dirt. The stresses that we endure throughout our day cause that glass of water to get shaken up. The water gets murky and our minds are distracted. This is when we are at our least creative state of mind. Meditation is a great way to allow that shaken up dirt to settle, allowing the glass of water that is our mind to be clear once again. When you meditate, tu off all distractions in the room (music, noises, and lights). Be alone. Sit up against a wall and just let your mind wander. It's important to sit upright and not slouch or you may fall asleep. The goal is to let your mind just "settle". Then you will be in a more creative frame of mind for thinking up new ideas. 2. Record Your Dreams Dreams are a great source of inspiration for creativity. They not only involve new untapped ideas, but they hit upon the emotions that you have buried deep inside you (your subconscious). These emotions can be a powerful source of energy for creating inspiring masterpieces or ideas. There are many that believe that they don't have that many dreams, when in fact we all dream every single night. We even wake and remember these dreams; however, as soon as we hit the shower, that dream is gone from our memory. Someone could even ask us later that day if we had a dream and we might make the mistake of saying "no", having no recollection of the dream whatsoever. This is why you need to record your dreams. This helps with remembering them. Keep a notebook by your bedside table and upon waking from a dream, write it down. You will find that by following this habit over the course of a few weeks, you will even start to remember multiple dreams upon waking up each moing. 3. Brainstorming We often make the mistake of writing down a numbered list (or outline) of our ideas and this can cause us to think too logically. The most creative ideas never came from thinking logically with the left side of our brain. To trick our minds into thinking with the right side of our brain, we can use the Brainstorming technique. Brainstorming is the process of jotting down on paper anything that comes to mind. There is no organization in a brainstorm session. You just get a pad of paper and begin writing things down. These could be just words or sentences. Try not to get hung up on the spelling, grammar, or punctuation of what you right down. Don't let yourself make critiques or judgments of what you write. Just let the words flow. The idea behind this technique is to break free of the organizational part of your brain and allow your mind to release all thoughts. When you are done, you can sift through what you have written down and with any luck, something will click and you'll get an idea.
Family ties what to do when your newfound love is Jewish but the family isn t
Posted by Kat Turner | 11:20 PM | 0 comments »You've finally found someone who has everything. A great sense of humor. An unassailable dominance at board games. A commitment to raising Jewish children. And a mother named Christina. Dating a Jew isn't always a way to avoid the "December Dilemma," especially when your newfound love has converted to Judaism. Christmas is often the dealbreaker for Christians considering conversion, and even those who've abandoned the holiday usually have relatives who can't comprehend their decision. Many imagine they'll reenter the fold, escorted by a desirable man or woman who can't imagine giving up Christmas (i.e., not you.) Know this. Respect this. And ask your mate how to handle it. You may find yourself drinking eggnog during your first holiday together: so long as you're comfortable with it, go right ahead. The key is to find a compromise that supports and strengthens your new relationship without undermining your identity or beliefs. While you may be disappointed that you won't have another grandmother's matzoh ball soup to taste test, having a non-Jewish extended family can be a good thing (especially if you like grandma's eggnog). You have the chance to share your culture and traditions with people who may never have been exposed to them. Remember, dating is all about new opportunities.
Contact Lenses or Lasik Surgery Which is the right choice for you
Posted by Kat Turner | 12:34 AM | 0 comments »Contact lenses can get expensive, not to mention the fact that you get tired of having to put them into and out of your eyes every single day. With the advent of laser surgery in the last decade, more and more people are discovering that they can have 20/20 vision (or better) without ever having to wear glasses again. Laser surgery is expensive and it's not generally covered by insurance because it's considered an elective procedure. Some insurance companies will cover a very small portion, leaving a general cost somewhere between $3000 and $4000 dollars. So immediately, it's a cash investment of significant portion. Many clinics do offer financial payment plans, but they are usually one or two year plans that allow you to spread out the payments. This option can still cost you about$180 to $400 per billing period, whether it is by the month or quarter. If the cost isn't something to tus the option off to you immediately, it's good to weigh the facts. Everyone is a candidate for laser corrective surgery. There are stages to the evaluation, including the amount of correction obtainable by corrective eyewear, shape of the eye, health of the eye, and condition of the eye. Following the evaluation process, the specialist can determine which type of laser surgery, if any, they would recommend. The procedure is done as outpatient care. The eyes are anaesthetized and held open. You'll feel some pressure when the laser surgery begins, and you might even experience a few moments of blindness. It is not uncommon for patients to experience blurriness for a day or two following, but most patients notice an immediate (if not profound) change in their vision when the surgery is over. Laser surgery isn't a guarantee of correction. However, doctors, as well as your own optometrist can never promise 20/20 vision at the surgery's completion. You may still need some form of corrective lenses. Laser surgery is a popular and viable alteative when compared to the lifetime investment in the cost of new corrective eyewear every two or three years. Ultimately, the procedure is not a guaranteed. The decision to continue with contact lenses or try laser corrective surgery is up to you and your doctor. The surgery has proven successful for hundreds of patients, but contact lenses are less expensive in the immediate time frames and don't involve surgery or lasers. Check out your options. Consult your optometrist and decide which option might be the best for you. =========================================================== Discover important advice and information about contact lenses. Are soft or hard best ? What's the best cleaning solutions ? For a comprehensive guide, Click
I often talk about the importance of foreplay and communication in my blog posts and the articles that I write but someone asked me the other day exactly what constitutes foreplay and it got me thinking. Foreplay is a big part of communication and vice versa. If your partner is just hopping in bed and going for it you need to be able to communicate either through words or actions what would make the experience more satisfying for both of you. Foreplay is not necessarily only something that is done in the bedroom - your daily actions play a big part in how you and your mate perceive each other and can affect the vibe of your love life. Constant nagging or appearing disinterested in your partner's interests can leave him feeling underappreciated or ignored. Failing to share the household burden or just give moral support can leave her feeling like you do not cherish her or find her sexy as a person. It takes time and effort every day to tend to a relationship - think of it as foreplay to foreplay. It is also worth noting that men and women generally need a different kind of foreplay - men tend to respond to more immediate tactile advances while women tend to experience the whole of the relationship as a prelude to intercourse and a couple of bad days can do as much damage to your night of passion as a cold shower. Sometimes men will need prolonged foreplay to get an erection and some are raring to go at the drop of a hat (or your lingerie). Physical foreplay for men is usually pretty basic. The direct touching of the genitals will often do the trick. If you want to tantalize your man here are some maneuvers to work into your act: Show me the honey! Men are very visually driven, so sexy clothing is helpful, but giving him an unobstructed view of that which he desires can be sexier than any lingerie. Perform a slow strip tease or surprise him by serving dinner or drinks in next to nothing. Steam it up Run your parted lips over his body and exhale slowly. The warm moist air of your breath will change the temperature of his skin and heighten his arousal. Who's the Boss? Seize control of the situation - take charge of the night. Many women would be surprised to know that men like to be taken in passion as much as women. Being sexually aggressive is a sign of a lusty appetite and shows that you're as into things as he is. Just a Little Touch Men are especially receptive to tactile stimulation when aroused. Do something different - run silk over his back, make long but gentle scratches up and down his back or drape your hair over his member. Take a Break Stimulate him just to the brink and then draw back a little. You do not have to stop your lovemaking, but ease up and put off the reward for a while. This is also a good technique for prolonging an erection. And for her..... Women need physical foreplay to become properly lubricated for intercourse. Direct genital touching is not always the best way to get your woman hot and bothered. In fact, making that the last place to visit is often a good technique for arousing her. Let her know in words and actions that you want her, that you find her sexy, that you REALLY need her. Say Anything Nothing is more important in foreplay to a woman than feeling like the two of you have a connection. Tell her often that you were thinking about her. When out without her, instead of saying how much fun you had with the guys, tell her it was fine but you missed her. Don't lie and there is no need for flowery Valentine's Day speech, just honest feelings and caring conversation. Being intimate does not always have to mean having sex. Ask her probing questions and listen to her answers, you might lea something helpful. Strive to give her more than one-word replies when she asks you the same kinds of questions. Confide in her, don't shut her out of your thoughts and feelings. Women like to KNOW the person they are with. Sex in a relationship is a very personal thing and leaves a person feeling vulnerable so needs to have a basis of trust and caring. Touchy Feely Make lots of physical contact without being sexual, like holding hands, brushing her hair, giving her short shoulder massages throughout the day or kisses in the hallway as you go about your daily routine. Do anything to make contact without it having to be sexual. She will remember it and crave more touching later. Kiss This For most women kissing is an incredible tu on. A woman sees kissing as a form of emotional intimacy. If you attack her with your tongue hanging out she is probably not going to feel very sexy, so start with a brief caressing of lips or some kissed on the neck. Pay attention to how she responds and let it go from there. Try to have a long interval between starting kissing and actually "heavy petting" just like in high school - the anticipation is half of the fun. Take your time with your foreplay, usually longer stimulation results in heightened sensitivity and sends your senses haywire - leading to explosive orgasm. Breaking routine, exploration, new places, new positions, role playing and letting your lover know what is satisfying you or not are important elements in foreplay. One final word for both men and women to remember - When in doubt, imitate what your partner is doing, as it is almost always a sign of what he or she likes! Copyright 2005 Katie Rose Intimates Sexy Costumes and Lingerie
Its starting to get cold outside. I have noticed recently that very few people in the last few years have done anything to prevent those little colds that you always come down with at the beginning of the chilly season. Why is that? I remember being a youngster... wanting to go outside and play in the snow even though i had the sniffles. Mom wouldn't let me. "Your going to get sick!" she would holler. So i wasn't ever sick! Nowadays, no one is really conceed with PREVENTING sickness. We all believe that there is enough medicine out there to cure whatever it is we come down with. Well, that's mostly true. In fact, a good friend of mine came down with Winter Vomiting Disease last year. It sounds like a scary illness, and we all feared for him, until we read up on it and realized that it goes away in 24-36 hours. You just vomit alot and have diarrhea. Not so bad. But why do we let things get that far every year? Granted there is usually a cure, but we continue to suffer through the times when we DO have a virus. Is it that we enjoy it? Ya right! I think it's more like we forget how much it sucks, because it was a year ago. This year, lets all try and stay healthy through the cold season. Keep up on our vegetables and our rest. The problem today is, we all think that we have so much to do. RELAX! Running yourselves down until your are bed ridden is not exactly time efficient. Enjoy the winter and stay cold free!
Speed dating is one of the freshest dating movements in the United States and United Kingdom and continues to spread quickly to the rest of the world. It draws so many people because of its exciting, fast and no pressure way to meet other singles. At one event, you will come into contact with a number of people and participate in quick one-on-one conversations. This process eliminates the stress of going out, finding someone attractive and working up the courage to break the ice. There are no long, expensive dinners or blind dates without chemistry. The people at these events are there simply because they are serious about finding the right person to date. Speed dating can vary at each individual event as far as the number of participants and the amount of time you are allowed to 'date', but the general idea is the same for all of them. You need to find an upcoming meeting in your area and register in advance. The registration helps the coordinators assure the ratio of men to women attending are the same. First, an equal group of single men and women gather together at a predestined location. Most of the time the gathering room is filled with 'tables for two' and each table is marked with a letter or number. You are then paired up with your first 'date' and normally allowed between 3 to 8 minutes to get to ask each other questions. At the end of this time, you move on to your next 'date' and begin again. If you would like to see more of one of your 'dates', you have a dating card to either check a box or write down a name of the person that you would like to see again. Sometimes you can even log onto a web site after the event and enter the names of those you wish to have a second date with. Whenever two individuals 'match up' after submitting this information, contact information is provided to both so that a second meeting can be set up. While this process might sound intimidating, most people who have braved one event find that it is not that bad and can even be an efficient way of meeting new people. The trick is to try to connect or relate to each other as speedily as possible. The concept is very simple with speed dating. Showing up with a prepared list of original questions that mean something to you is probably a good idea and can help as an indicator as to whom you might want to see again. You've got nothing to loose by registering, preparing some questions and showing up with an open mind. Try to enjoy yourself and have fun with your speed dates!
Keith Rosen Master Certified Coach discusses Achieving Goals in 2006:
Every December, I make the request that all clients send me their goals for the following year. And every year, I very supportively send them back with a few minor suggestions to ensure the greatest results as they relate to achieving their goals with the least amount of risk or stress. Most often, I sense goal overload! In our excitement and exuberance for creating new possibilities in the New Year, when have tendency to add a bit too many tasks, resolutions and goals on our plate, which ultimately leads to exactly what we wanted to avoid in the first place, which was repeating the past and just giving up. I find that at least half of the goals that people send me can be removed from your goal list yet still be attained and part of your weekly schedule because they are more lifestyle/routine activities that will be residing in your routine, (tennis, family time, prospecting, gym, other commitments, meetings, etc.) Keep in mind, the real indication of how many new goals you can realistically take on will be evident in your routine. When you break down your goals into the measurable actions with specific timelines, you will be able to see whether or not there's room for them to live in your daily or weekly schedule. responses regarding your life goals.Moving from one place to another can be quite a traumatising experience. Moving all the heavy pieces of fuiture, keeping an eye on the workers to make sure they don't break anything, packing all your things, then unpacking them, arrange everything... these can tu out to be a heavy ordeal. But this whole moving operation could be completed without big headaches if you plan it carefully in advance. Here are a few tips you should apply whenever considering the possibility of a fuiture removal operation. The planning should start a month ahead the moving day. Start gathering all kind of necessary moving supplies like tape, boxes or rope. Get some newspapers for the breakable things if you don't want to spend money on bubble wrap. Always make the necessary travel/transportation arrangements ahead. If you plan to move in another city far away, you should contact airlines to make the necessary arrangements. You should also call more airline companies to get the best price and the best transportation conditions. After doing this, look for a fuiture removal company. Check more fuiture removal companies, as they have different price and different facilities for transportation. But the most important thing you should be doing before moving is to arrange for your mail to be delivered to the new residence. Contact all your friends, relatives, family etc to inform them on your new address. Inform the bank and other financial institutions on your new residence details. Ask the post office to forward your mail to the new address. Look for a new doctor/dentist/vet in the new area that you are about to move into. Two weeks before starting the fuiture removal, inform your utilities companies of your change of address. And contact the utilities companies at your new residence to sign up for their services. Confirm the moving or travel arrangements and start packing all the things that can be packed in advance. The day before the moving day, make sure you haven't packed the moving supplies (meaning the tape or the bubble wrap). Make sure you have put the most important things (documents, checks, money or jewellery) in a bag that you will keep with you at all times. And, during the fuiture removal day, remember that losing your calm will not help. So try to stay calm, breath deep whenever an unfortunate accident (like breaking your favourite china) happens. Good luck with your fuiture removal operation!
There are many things you have to do once you find out you are having a baby. One of those things is choosing a name for your baby. Some people know right away what they will name their baby, others struggle until the last minute to find a name. The last thing you want is to rush in choosing your baby's name and regret the decision later on. For children their name is a very important factor on how they are treated at school. How many times have you know a child be bullied for their name? Or found out one of your friend's uses their middle name because they hate their first name? A badly chosen name can lead to years of grief for a child. There are some basic rules that you should follow when choosing a name. 1. Don't feel the need to choose a very unique name, such as made up ones. Many people are tempted to do this as they feel it will make the child stand out from the crowd and make them feel special. However it can often be frustrating for a child when people are unable to pronounce their name. Or even worse if fellow class mates find the name funny and decide to make fun of it. 2. If you want to use an unusual name for your child balance it out with a normal name. So you would either have a unique name for the first name and a normal name for a middle name, or vice versa. This then let the child chose which name they prefer to use, they may love having a unique name to stand out from the crowd, or they can use a normal name if they are a little shyer. 3. Check the initials of the names you chose, if it spells out anything especially funny words (to children) then you can guarantee children will pick up on it and use it as a nickname for your child. 4. Find out the nicknames of the chosen name, often a nickname is far less preferable to the original name, and people will frequently use a shortened name over the original name. Your simple guide to choosing a baby name was written by James Smythe. Once you have chosen you baby name don't forget you need to have all the accessories for your new bo, Get and prams or push airs from Quality Prams
How Not To Be Disappointed This Christmas A Practical Tip
Posted by Kat Turner | 6:58 PM | 0 comments »Many years ago, when I was living in circumstances not quite like today, I invented something in the spur of the moment which is fascinating and has significantly improved my life. It actually started four months earlier, for my birthday in fact. I had wanted to buy something very esoteric for me - a personal development tape set about wealth and success; but it was massively expensive and although my husband didn't exactly beat me with sticks on a daily basis, there would have been NO WAY I would have been "given permission" to buy this with the meagre family funds. This sort of thing was held to be "stupid" and "pointless" and "a waste of money", and there wasn't anyone at all in my life at that time who would care enough or even try to understand me enough to actually go out and buy it for me. Please. Start the violins! And then bring in the cello section, for good measure! Ok, so I was feeble back then, had no self esteem, didn't know what I was doing because I hadn't received my personal development tapes yet :-) but I came up with the idea to sneak the money and then in order to have an excuse for having the tapes around the house, to say that a girlfriend had given it to me as a present. I went into action. I sold some things, skimmed some of the money off the shopping budget, ordered the set (without using the family checkbook but with postal orders instead!); sat on the doorstep for a week so I could intercept the postman; when it arrived, I hid it carefully and then got gift wrap, wrapped it, put a card to it and signed it with a greeting from the imaginary friend. Then I put it on the hall table because now, it could be seen and stand up to questioning. When my birthday came, I hadn't been so excited about it in YEARS. I raced down the stairs like a kid to get "my present", and even burst out into tears when I opened it (which was explained with an onslaught of PMT) and hugged it. It was the best present I'd had in YEARS. Then, Christmas tued up and even though I felt guilty as hell, I did it again with something I similarly desired. I've been doing this ever since. Now you may say that's not in the spirit of things, but 25 years later and with the hindsight of a professional career in counselling and psychology behind me that began with that gift I gave myself, I would say that what I did there was to CHANGE MY LIFE. There was no-one there to give me what I wanted, and finally, I stopped waiting for that mysterious knight in shining armour, or the glowing angel manifesting on my doorstep, or the mysterious rich uncle who I never knew about, or my husband to undergo some instant personality transformation so he would finally "get me", and instead, I took my life into my own hands. *I* gave *me* what I need and wanted. And the result was that I *actually GOT WHAT I NEEDED*. That's an amazing lesson, in many ways and on many different levels. Women are STILL deeply entrained to be the providers and to take nothing for themselves; the "culture of everything for others and nothing for you" is even more global than that and extends to EVERYONE. There are many things about the bold move of DELIBERATELY choosing and wrapping a present complete with a card TO YOUR SELF which are remarkable. ALL the religions say that you should give service - there is no logical reason to EXCLUDE one single person from the service, of all the many people on this planet. 8 billion minus - one? And that one is ... YOU? That makes no sense, but that's the way we have come to understand it. In psychology terms, to exclude the self from the service and devotion extended to others is actually pathological and a sign there's something wrong with you! One could argue, and I would indeed argue this, that if you give gifts to other people but NOT TO YOURSELF, you are sending the wrong message, big time. And practically speaking, this shouldn't be anything special. It should NOT be like the first time I did that - full of guilt or shame or so significant or revolutionary as a concept. You should just simply be on your own shopping list at Christmas, just the same as everyone else you are buying presents for! Everyone should buy themselves a gift at Christmas! And on their birthdays, and on whatever holiday or celebration their culture prescribes. They should take the opportunity to express thus practically their support and gratitude for all that was done, for WHO THEY ARE, with a small gift and a card which carries the words so they may be read, and understood. That is in essence, a blessing. To perform this ceremony on behalf of one's self is not only fair, and more than that, it is a HUGE metaphor of integration and integrity. It is a fantastic opportunity to sit back and assess, very practically, where you're at, what might make you happy, and to enter in a communication with the "forgotten self" that brings this one back into the fold of the 8 billion. This is not a selfish act at all, but instead, a golden opportunity to ensure that on many levels, this one person gets what they want; that this one person is as happy as circumstances will allow; and you know, beyond all material goods, it really is the thought that counts.
How old do you feel? Ah, now that's a very different question. I have known people who were old at twenty and other people in their eighties who are still very young at heart and it is that enthusiasm for life that can make all the difference. Whatever your age - you still have something to contribute, it's just that the contribution is in a different area than employment. There are many people who give their all to their work/career and then feel totally lost once they reach the dreaded age of retirement. Unfortunately, it is a sad truth that many of these people do not live very long after their retirement party. Yet, so many people that I speak to that have retired tell me they don't know how they ever had the time to go to work! While you are active, you can do all sorts of leisure activities that you didn't have time for before. Friends, family, hobbies and holidays are all there waiting for you...or maybe not. Some people don't have any family and others are very private people who don't make friends very easily. Please be aware of your own blessings when you meet a neighbour who is not as fortunate and spare them a little time. You may be the only person to speak to them that week! And it will make you feel more useful too, to know you've brightened someone else's day. Then, when the time comes that you need help, you'll find there is someone ready to help you. When we're busy working, bringing up a family etc, we don't have the time to notice what is around us, but retirement should give us time to "stop and smell the roses". I know one lady who, at eighty years of age, decided it was time to stop being a volunteer driver on the Isle of Wight! She had been driving the less fortunate - through illness or disablement - to hospital, chiropody, hairdresser appointments etc. since she retired from teaching at age 60. Now that she is less able to get around, a friend takes her shopping. What goes round comes round as they say. Of course there are some people who refuse to be helped because they see that as a sign of weakness, so I would say to them "how about offering your help to others", then it will not be a one-way-street. It's so much easier to ask for help as a "retu" than it is to ask first, but most people are only to pleased to be asked. And at our age, our experience of life is very full. We have lived through many different social situations in times of conflict and peace, plenty and famine, so there really is very little that we won't know something about. We have the grey hair to show it! Talking of grey hair - we are bombarded from papers, magazines and TV Ads that we should be spending time and money in order to look as young as possible. What is wrong with being who we are? Why must we all start to dye our hair as soon as the first signs of grey appear? Grey hair is a sign of experience and wisdom and whilst some prefer to go "blond" the rest of us should be free to be proud to be grey.
Buying property abroad is not an undertaking one should embark upon lightly! It is not wise to assume that the entire purchase process will follow the rules we're used to 'back home' and generally speaking there are usually a whole new set of rules and regulations, traditions and traps to lea, understand and watch out for. Spain is absolutely no exception and has a tangled web of laws and legislation seemingly designed to trip up an unwary real estate buyer. This article examines three key areas that a potential property purchaser should be at least aware of before signing on the dotted line for that dream Spanish home. Firstly there's a 'tradition' in Spain for purchasers to actively but illegally assist the vendor in reducing his overall capital gains (or profit) tax liability. Often the vendor will ask for a far reduced purchase price to be written into the purchase contract and for the buyer to actually make up the difference between the contract price and the actual price in cash. This has been a tradition in Spain for many years; in theory it doesn't affect the buyer, it certainly doesn't affect the vendor and what the tax authorities don't know can't hurt them, right? Wrong! This action is highly illegal and Spain's new socialist govement have begun cracking down on money laundering and tax evasion and these concerted efforts are targeting the property market in Spain. Of course many potential buyers reading this will simply assume that if asked to act illegally all they need do is point out that the new crackdown could result in investigation, fines, even a lengthy prison term and the vendor, estate agent and solicitor involved in the transaction will step back and accept that exact figures are entered into the contract and taxation be paid accordingly. Unfortunately the reality for those who refuse to act in accordance with the vendor's wishes can be far different to the above proposed ideal scenario. Quite often the vendor backs out of a sale if he cannot get his way and the buyer loses their dream property in Spain and possibly their deposit as well. So, what should someone hoping to buy property in Spain do if faced with such a situation? Should they accept the vendor's demands and hand over a brown paper bag stuffed with 500 Euro notes? If they do then the price they apparently purchase the property for will be the price against which any future profits from the resale of the property will be compared for their capital gains tax purposes. Therefore if the purchaser ever wants to resell the property they too will need to insist that their buyer also agrees to having a reduced sum entered into the contract otherwise they'll be liable for all the extra capital gains taxation! Someone somewhere along the line is going to lose out just ensure that it's not you! Even if you have your heart set on a particular home in Spain I would strongly recommend that you do not go ahead and act illegally even if that means you risk losing the property. Think very long and very hard about what you're being asked to do and the potential legal and long term financial consequences rather than your short term thrill at securing that dream home in Spain. The next point that is worthy of due attention is the fact that there are many unregistered and inexperienced estate agents operating in Spain. The fact that anyone can become an estate agent on the Costa del Sol for example has led not only to mistakes in the purchase process being made, but unscrupulous individuals setting out to exploit foreign buyers. When looking for an estate agent to represent your interests find one with a strong and positive reputation…a reputation they will do everything to protect and therefore one who is unlikely to want to offer you anything less than a first class service. Furthermore, find an agent who speaks English and Spanish! It is imperative that your agent understands every minute point about the property, contract, terms and conditions and correctly relates this information to you. Many estate agencies recommend lawyers to their clients when it comes to contract negotiations, searches etc. Bear in mind that a solicitor referred to you by your agent may be more inclined to act in the agent's best wishes rather than your own. Why? Because the agent likely refers an awful lot of business to him therefore he will do his best to maintain that relationship first! This is of course not always the case, but you might be better advised to find an independent lawyer through the recommendation of friends and trusted third parties who have already had significant or at least similar dealings with said lawyer. Finally, changes in land laws in Spain have been introduced in Valencia and most recently Andalusia and these changes are 'a good thing' in theory, but the stuff of nightmares for many foreign buyers in the parts of Spain affected by the legislation. In theory the laws have been introduced to protect rural land, agricultural land, to prevent over development and also to stop private owners from restricting development. But the laws have been badly implemented, they have been exploited and there are many cases of foreign residents convinced that they have been targeted unfairly because of their nationality. The intricacies of the law seem open for interpretation and in Valencia so many private buyers have suffered at the hands of developers exploiting the law that the European Union recently ruled the law unreasonable. As a result a new version of it has been drafted and is awaiting the Valencian parliament's passing of it. In Andalusia many foreign owners of rural land on which they were hoping to build a home have lost out to the new laws which restrict the development of such land. It is absolutely a case of buyer beware, and even more importantly it is a case of the buyer doing their complete homework before making any solid plans for that dream home. If you're interested in purchasing a ruin or run down building for redevelopment or you're interested in building from scratch on an empty plot make sure in advance that permission will be granted and that your piece of land in Spain can and will sustain the ambitions you have for it. If you keep a cool head when buying property in sunny Spain and you employ the same levels of caution and care that you would if buying a house in your home country you will most likely avoid the common traps and pitfalls that some people fall foul of. Just remember to think of the longer term consequences before you act and consider employing the services of qualified and reputable professionals to assist you with the legal and financial side of your transaction and your overseas buying experience will be one you savour!
All I Need Is the Air that I breathe! Does anyone here remember that "catchy tune"? Yes it was as true then as it is now, because without the proper air, we tend to die. But thankfully we have our "Global Polly's" working on our side (?) to love and protect their "Global Little Children", at least one would hope! So, is this the case? Do these "caring guardians" help and look over us? A good example would be to show you how these "Guardians" have done away with "Leaded Petrol" recently, so as we can "all" live and breathe cleaner-greener non harmful air. Another good example of seeing our taxes at work would also be, to give these "World Leaders" their due credit for having the foresight and guidance to steer us in the right direction, (?) and to educate (brain wash) us through advertisements which tell us how "Clean And Green" this new "Un-Leaded Petrol" is. Yes I am now "conditioned" to use this wonderful new product! In fact it sounds so good and safe, that I might even try mixing a little in with the soda that I will have with my dinner tonight! How could I go wrong? Yes I bet we are all tucked up right now, in our "cozy little hideaway" contemplating our navel, as there is not much else we need to worry about, apart from sleeping, knowing full well that our "Polly Watcher's" are watching over us. Or are they? Did they just spend all the money that I have worked for all of my life on that "Executive Luncheon" for six over an hour to discuss the marketing plan for this new wonder fuel? Ah well it doesn't matter! Do You Know why all new cars have Catalytic Converters? Yes! That's right! They are there to "Bu Off" the pollutant's, and "Carcinogenic Gasses" which an "Inteal combustion engine" produces when it is running. My we are moving through this quickly! So furthermore, we see that these "Catalytic Converters" MUST BE at the "correct temperature", before they can start to do this. (This temperature can take up to 10 minutes to become correct). Hey! Hang on a minute! what happens to the "Poisonous Pollutant Gasses" while this "Warm up" takes place? That's right again you guessed it! Yes they are being released into our lungs! Hang on, your saying that we are breathing in poisonous gasses? Yes that's right. And another thing just dawned on me! Why would "Our Protectors" (?) not have had the "fore-sight" to not "encourage us to use it" in motorized vehicles such as older cars, lawn mowers, chain saws, and all the other engines which do not have these catalytic converters fitted to them? And then another thing just entered my mind. What about the cars that have these converters, but they no longer work, and are faulty? Hey hang on Fred, don't go yet! I still want to talk to you about starting that "gas mask shop" you were coughing over the other day. Are 'Ethics' an issue when global 'Greed' Is on The agenda? I ask you this question, and I would like to see your reply's and other questions in our forum for us to discuss. Till then, breathe easy and may love be with you. (C.N.) Euro norms and beyond for automobiles ----------------------------------------------------------------- --------------- The magic epithets 'Euro-3 or Euro-4 conformant' for automobiles, signifying the fulfillment of emission norms, have become the hallmark of environmentally-friendly vehicles. These vehicular emission-control legislative norms evolved in Europe and similar norms crystallized in other industrially advanced countries over many decades of experience will not serve the purpose in many developing countries such as India. These developed countries had the necessary lead-time to develop the infrastructure needed, in terms of clean fuel and lube oil supply, proper roads and traffic regulation, and periodic vehicle maintenance programmes. They were all 'tuned' to reap the full benefits envisaged by the stringent norms. These norms as formulated were mainly structured for the liquid fuels of petroleum origin, such as petrol and diesel oil, and address limits for regulating the exhaust discharge of carbon monoxide (CO), unbued hydrocarbons (UHC), oxides of nitrogen (NOx), and smoke and particulates for diesel vehicles. These norms need continuing review whenever alteative fuels are used. For example, non-methane hydrocarbons (NMHC) and aldehyde emissions may be significant when LPG, CNG and alcohol fuels are used to power vehicles; these are gradually emerging as increasingly used alteative fuels for petrol and diesel oil. As it stands, without going into numbers, these norms are stringent and pose a challenging opportunity for the automobile and ancillary industries in the development of clean and fuel- efficient automobiles. As far as India is conceed, our automobile industry must also face this challenge if it has to export spare parts and automobiles to global markets. But the imposition of such stringent norms in Indian conditions will reap few benefits in the current situation. Just one revealing example could illustrate this point. Three-way catalytic converters (TWC) are fitted on the vehicles now to fulfil the requirements of the Euro norms. This requires electronic fuel injection systems, such as single-point injection (SPI) and multi-point injection (MPI). TWCs are fitments required on the vehicles to clean up the exhaust gases by simultaneously destroying all the three regulated pollutants -- CO, UHC and NOx. For this to happen, an electronically controlled fuel- air ratio device is incorporated which is expected to manage this ratio at the desired (stoichiometric) level. This can occur only when steady speed running is possible. With our traffic congestion and frequent stop-and-go (transient) driving, is this ever possible? Next, with the spiralling of the petrol price, is it desirable to run a vehicle on stoichiometric ratio, which does not give higher kilometres per litre of petrol? But the regulation requires mandatory fitment of TWC, and ironically, even carburetted vehicles, which are not adaptable for electronic fuel management, were fitted with TWCs and marketed. The customer pays for the TWC, which is expensive as the catalyst contains noble metals, like platinum and rubidium. Besides, any combustion irregularities, such as missing and driving under transient conditions, damage these catalysts. Even though, lead-free petrol is mandatory by regulation for maintaining the activity of the TWCs, the prevailing adulteration of petrol can poison and irreversibly damage the catalyst. In advanced countries, mandatory fitment of "on-board diagnostics" (OBCs) continuously monitor the malfunctions of the engine, damaging the TWCs. In the absence of this, it is anybody's guess how many so-called Euro norm-conformant vehicles are doing their job for a greener environment! Blissfully ignorant of this, the customer is constrained to pay for costlier equipment. It would as well be better not to enforce fitment of TWCs till the priorities are met. The above is not the only example of inappropriateness of refined Euro regulations at this point of time in India. Without going into details, insistence of Emission Under Control (EUC) certificates, and novel design features like four-valve engines, double overhead cam designs, variable-valve, variable- timing electronic control, and five-speed gear-shift, and other technically advanced features, would pay little dividends as the prevailing mis-match of infrastructural needs stand. Our auto industries are striving to manufacture these items conformant to Euro standards to get into global market. And many of the ancillary industries are facing these challenges creditably. As far as national requirements are conceed, the enforcement of advanced Euro emission standards would only result in the borrowing of 'futile imported technology' -- in the words of Mr V. R. Krishna Iyer, retired Supreme Court Judge! The priorities are the provision of clean fuel, according to specifications, development of road infrastructure, traffic regulation, and above all, eliminating other uncontrolled sources of air-pollution. India still relies on the buing of non-commercial fuels, such as firewood, cow-dung cakes and other combustible materials which discharge more pollutants to atmosphere. The pavements of our cities are encroached on by fast- food stalls, auto workshops involving welding, and static electric generators, discharging harmful gases directly onto the pedestrians. Moreover, there is no restricted area stipulated for fireworks displays during festivities. These are major sources of pollutants discharging particulates and carcinogenic gases. These sources are not noticed or quantified. These may well exceed those from the auto-vehicles. The Euro norms would only be effective after controlling the pollution from these major sources. The priority ought to be the development of fuel-efficient and clean vehicles for mobility of the common public, such as two- and three- wheelers, and utility vehicles such as much-used or abused fish carts. Development of alteative fuels from renewable sources such as alcohols must take the priority over the imposition of Euro standards. Indeed, India could well skip Euro 3 and Euro 4 norms for domestic application with very little impact on the total quality of the atmosphere. These standards are structured for the use of liquid fuels from petroleum. The use of CNG, LPG and, more desirably, ethanol may require entirely new regulations beyond Euro standards as they stand now. This would give more time for development of alteative fuel technology from renewable sources. New modes of transportation, such as battery-powered vehicles, hybrid vehicles and ultimately fuel-cell powered vehicles must engage the attention of our scientists. Advances in information and communications technologies have been phenomenal. Figuratively speaking, the future automobile may well run on information, with automatic guidance and control. Power plants may be remotely located so as not to interfere with the streets. Intelligent transport systems aim at such a mobility plan for the future. This may seem a distant dream, but it may become a reality sooner than we think. Petrol Petrol can contain up to 5% of benzene, a known human carcinogen with a Maximum Exposure Limit (MEL) of 5 ppm. Petrol is consequently classified as Carcinogenic, Category 2 as it contains 0.1% or more of a known carcinogen. Typically, monitoring by oil companies indicates that filling station occupational exposures are below 1 ppm (8 hour TWA) even for pump attendant operated sites. Many controls can be implemented/maintained to ensure that exposures are maintained as far below the 5 ppm MEL as possible, i.e. minimisation of spills, leaks or fumes provision of hygiene measures including washing facilities designation of areas and installations which may be contaminated with petrol and the use of waing signs safe storage, handling and disposal practices and procedures to deal with spillages monitoring, which is requisite under the Carcinogens Approved Code of Practice information, instruction and training.
VoIP is a new way make phone calls. VoIP stands for Voice over Inteet Protocol and is the technical term for "Inteet phone service." VoIP takes regular phone calls and zaps them through your high-speed Inteet connection. VoIP uses regular phones, even cordless phones. Simply plug a VoIP adapter into your cable/DSL modem line and then plug your phone into the adapter. Inteet Phone Service is a more generic term for using the Inteet to make calls. Inteet Phone calls include VoIP but also includes PC based calls. PC based calls use software and PC headsets (or speaker and mic) to initiate the call. VoIP phone service providers combine domestic US local and long distance calls for one low monthly rate with unlimited local and long distance, plus features like Caller ID, Call Waiting, Voicemail, Call Forwarding, Call Conferencing, and many more - free of charge. Free calls between users on the same service is also normally included. I reduced my monthly phone bill by 50%. You could see bigger discounts if you make a lot of long distance calls. For an overview see a VoI P comparison table.
If you are single and you want men to desire your company more and truly cherish you, then here are eleven dating rules you cannot afford to break: 1.Never go to bed with a man on the first date – As much as you would like to ravish the hunk you have a crush on, do not let him feel that you are cheap and easy by going to bed with him on your first date. It does not matter that he is promising that he will respect you in the moing, or that the way he feels about you will never change. If you do it, you run the risk of reducing your value to him. Men are more attracted to women they spend time to get to know, than they are to those they quickly jump into the sack with. 2.Never call him first within the first week of your first date – If your date asks for your phone number and does not call you within the first week, do not call him. If a man is interested in you, he will call you during the first week of taking you out on a date. When you call him during that first week before he calls you, you give him that impression that you are overly anxious. The last thing you want is for this new person to feel that you are a little desperate or forward. 3.Never use obscenities - If you curse like a sailor, it will tu off your date, if you let that part of your personality out on your first date. It is a tuoff for most men. It certainly could ruin the chance of someone getting to know how nice you really are on the inside. 4.Never engage in a conversation about marriage on your first date – No matter how much of a good time you are having with your date, do not bring up the topic of marriage, unless your date asks about how you feel about the subject. When a woman brings it up on a date, it creates the impression that you are on a hunt for a husband. Nothing kills a date like a woman who comes across as obviously interviewing men for marriage – trying to find out if they are ready to make that serious commitment. There is a right time for serious conversations – your first date is not the time. Get to know your date first. 5.Never flirt with other men while you are on a date – The cardinal sin of any first date is to flirt with other men in the presence of your date. Do not do it. If you are trying to get your date to see that you can attract other men, flirting with other men in front of him is not the way to do it. It is disrespectful and conveys that you are shallow and untrustworthy. Your date will feel that if you have the gall to flirt now, when you are supposed to be on your best behavior, what will happen when you get hitched up? Most men wouldn't want to find out. 6.Never bring up your ex-boyfriend unless he asks you – Let your past remain in the past, unless your date wants to find out why you broke up with your ex-boyfriend. Never compare your ex with your date, nor refer to something someone else did as something that your ex would do. It simply shows that you have not gotten over him. 7.Do not ask your date how much money he makes – This is definitely a no-no. It shows that you could be a gold-digger, and you do not want that label. Once a man sees that you measure the value of a man by the size of his wallet, you can bet that your date will be tued off. 8.Do not let out the skeletons in your closet - Don't let it be known that you were a drug head or prostitute at one time. Your ugly past, even though you are a new person now, can prevent your date from getting to know who you have become after going through a tough past. Leave the horror stories for when he gets to know you and can easily understand and accept all of you. 9.Don't go out of your way to be funny, just be yourself – Don't start clowning around; pretending to be someone you are not. Don't tu your date into a night of cracking jokes or of proving to your date that you have a fantastic sense of humor. Be yourself and you will do just fine. 10.Do not order the most expensive meal on the menu – Ordering the most expensive thing on the menu at a restaurant shows that you are a potential gold-digger. It also shows that you are greedy. Men love women that are conscious of the cost of things. 11.Do not show him you have a voracious appetite - Just because you are famished does not mean that you should order everything on the menu – super-sized. Most men are tued off by women with huge appetites – men see that as not being feminine and lady-like. Moreover, men feel that if your appetite is this big when he has not gotten to know you, you may swallow a horse when you really get comfortable with each other. To find out more about what it takes to make men fall madly in love, please visit
This night was a drizzly one. I am awake, sitting on my bed and thinking. Sleep had refused to come to me, and my rational self-was demanding an explanation. I am wishing there is someone I can talk to,but in the absence of anyone; I try to talk to myself but my voice is a mixture of revulsion and amazement. All day long, my mind had tued to a creative artist busy painting a picture of the agonies of the common man in my country. And as I begin to ponder on why the common man is been subjugated to the whims and caprices of those he had chosen to lead him. I also wonder why his resistance to these people who have put on selfenrichment as a breastplate and an helmet of greed on their heads has been so feeble. At the thought of his resignation to fate,I feel pains slashing at my heart. I move over to the center of my bedroom, from this position I move my neck to and fro as if I am searching for that season when the common man had a reason that gave birth to a curiosity on his part as to what was on the top of and what lied on the other side of the mountain. When his determination was his sable vehicle of courage. I walk over to the table beside my window and I pick up a picture. I look at it and memories come flooding back to me. The picture is a snapshot of a time when he had a driving urge to search for that beacon like light that he knew with all certainty would bring him delight. Once upon a time, the motion of living was so mild, now everything has become the aversion of something else.The truth has been left behind in the street and honesty is tued backwards.Those chosen to lead the common man have put on the garmet of corruption to cover up their ugly nakedness,thus making the motion of surviving to suddenly become so wild. He has been left with a gaping void in the fabric of his live and almost unendurable senses of know nothing. I lay the picture to rest on the table,I touch my face for the tear that is about to stream down my cheeks and my stomach becomes filled with bubbles of dissapointment. A dissapoinment that speaks of their inconsiderate actions and non chalant reactions to the common man's survivability. It is such a precarious situation, what he is going through in his attempt to stay afloat on a rampaging sea. He is striving to reach the shore by struggling to hold on to a piece of log to overcome the tide. It looks like he is pissing in a net. He now cry's in is sleep because his eyes refuse to close so deep, and the beep of the alarm clock every moing makes his heart leap like he is on a bumpy ride. The sound of dawn has lost its sweetness; the taste now is like a knife to his weak heart. Everyday in his live is painted with the colures of apprehension; everywhere speaks of the face of depression. his face! He has completely fallen apart, the travails of life is now the currency of his world and poverty has become the path that is leading him into a tomorrow that is pregnant with a sunlight that will only skim glimmers of hope. Why is the strength in his faith to overcome his fate becoming so little? Why does he grope for the wall like the blind? With jerky unsure movements I walk over to the window and stare into the open, straining to keep my gaze on the moon as if my answers are written on it. I know that his mind is filled with so much pain and anguish. I also know that lately he has become a stranger to a smile, for the wants and needs that he cherishes have refused to flourish. Nevertheless this is not a reason for him to become an outcast like Cain,just wandering, moping and stumbling at noonday as in the night. The going has become rougher for him. Now,his reaction needs to become tougher too. it is written in a book that "sorrows will endure for the night, and joy will come in the moing". Hope is available to him
If you're like most people, you probably don't particularly enjoy job interviews. They're certainly amongst the most stressful occasions that you'll have in your life. Are there any tips that'll help? There certainly are. The five tips below, if taken to heart and acted upon will probably give you an advantage over about 80% of all job applicants who do little or no preparation for the interview. And that is probably the biggest tip in itself - and a theme that runs through all five tips below - PREPARATION. The more you prepare beforehand, the more confident you'll be going in to the interview, and the more confident you'll appear during the interview. So, without further ado, here are the five tips that'll put you streets ahead of the competition at job interviews: 1. Have all of the basic facts about yourself properly rehearsed in your mind. These include education, hobbies, interests and previous work experience. Try to slant what you say about your education, your interests and the roles you've had in your jobs to date to show why you would be the ideal candidate for this job. Reinforce your job application with real evidence of what you've done in previous jobs. Don't just give a bland one or two word description of your role - elaborate. Give specific descriptions of individual aspects of the work you did. Again, try to emphasize examples of tasks you performed that would make you perfect for the job you've applied for. 3. Make sure you demonstrate enthusiasm for the job you're being interviewed for. Remember, the interviewer is looking for someone they feel will be ideally suited to the role advertised. If you come across as having very little interest in the position, do you think you'll be offered it? Make sure you do your research on the company offering the job and the job role itself so that you give a good impression of your knowledge at the interview. 4. Work out beforehand the kind of skills and qualities you feel you would need to carry out the job you're applying for and think of as many good examples as you can of how you've demonstrated these in your work and private life to date. 5. Make an effort with your appearance. Remember, first impressions are the only impressions the interviewer is going to have of you, so go all out to make those first impressions count. Think about the kind of character qualities and personality qualities you think someone good at the job you've applied for would demonstrate, and try to come across at the interview as having those qualities. John Higginbotham has been on the inteet for over 6 years and has extensive knowledge on inteet marketing. He writes to motivate his audience as well as educate them on various subjects. You may visit his website at
Dating tips that work which of the three types of women should you be dating
Posted by Kat Turner | 1:02 AM | 0 comments »When most "dating gurus" and sex therapists spout their dating tips, they often complicate the whole process with unusable theory and psychobabble. I'm going to bypass that, make it brain-dead simple for you, and most importantly, reveal a few dating tips you can apply in the real world. In these dating tips, I'm going to share with you the little-known concept of the "three types of women." There's a wonderful book you should read called "Winning Through Intimidation" by Robert Ringer. You can get it on Amazon for a few bucks (get the original version published in the 1970's, not the new "touchy feely" one.) Many people are tued off by the title, thinking it's about "scaring" people into giving you what you want. That's not what it's about, though. It's actually about protecting yourself from intimidation. It's also a fun read, full of hilarious stories and even a few cartoons (of turtles wearing sunglasses). But it's a book each and everyone looking for dating tips needs to read, because the part I'm about to share with you absolutely applies to interacting successfully and effortlessly with sexy women. In the book, Ringer talks about the three types of people in the business world- and in my experience he's 100% correct. Here they are. Type #1- this is the guy who is out to get all your "chips" and lets you know about it. This guy is "straightforward" about his intentions, what some would call honest. Type #2 this is the guy who assures you he is not out to get your "chips", and in fact, tells you he wants you to get everything that is coming to you. Then he attempts to grab all your "chips" anyways. Type #2's are the most treacherous type. Type#3: this is the guy who assures you he is not out to get your chips, and sincerely means it, but by his bumbling, stumbling or just pure incompetence he winds up trying to take them anyways (even though he doesn't mean to). How do the "three types" translate into a usable dating tip? And, how does all of this relate to success with attracting sexy women? Well, it's been my experience that women fall into, roughly, these three types as well. Type #1: she's straightforward with you about her intentions… whether she's into "fun friends," or looking for a husband, she is forthright with you up front. She knows herself and what makes her happy. Type #2: this is the woman who appears to be straightforward with you about what she wants… but for whatever reason, she's out to get your money, deliberately break your heart, or she's just pissed at all men -what a female friend of mine called a "cruel woman." Like the above type #2, the operative word here is "treacherous." Type #3: this is the woman who truly believes herself when she tells you what she's looking for, but for whatever reason, bad things seem to happen around her… she "self sabotages" whenever things are going good, and winds up wreaking great emotional havoc on the men in her lives, even though she doesn't mean to. The result is still the same as dealing with a Type #2, though, and that's why it's vitally important you pay close attention to the above dating tips. Obviously you want to spend your time with the Type #1's (in business and with women) and avoid the Type #2's. If you pay attention and listen for her, what I call, map/model of the world, you can usually identify the Type #2's. You'll hear things like "my last boyfriend was cheap, he wouldn't take me out or buy me things." Or, things like, "I drove by his house and a strange car was in the driveway… he was cheating on me." Here is a dating tip that will save you time, money, and heartache: when you hear things like this, run away FAST. Type #3's can be more difficult to identify. It usually takes a lot longer, and you have to pay careful attention. Listen for things like, "It was going along so good, and I just don't know what happened." Type #3's are controlled by their "inner world," not in control of it. That's why I usually recommend starting any relationship as just "fun friends" so you can begin to get a clear picture of her map/model of the world and pinpoint her Type. A lot of what appear to be Type #1's in the beginning actually identify themselves as Type #3's later on down the line. You can never stop paying attention, or you will get in trouble. Dating tips like this one can be applied, and used day in and day out. Start paying attention to this, and watch just how true this is. It's the difference between happiness and misery!
Growing Occidentalis American Arborvitae in New Hope Pa
Posted by Kat Turner | 6:57 PM | 0 comments »Like our farm, Highland Hill Farm, New Hope Pa. is located in an area with lots of clay. We therefore like plants that grow well in clay. Arborvitae, in particular the American Arborvitae is one of our favorites. Here is why. The hardiness zone for the American Arborvitae is from zones 5 to 8. Its evergreen with rapid growth rates that in ideal conditions can be up to 1.5 feet per year. Site requirements for the American Arborvitae is sun to partial shade, moist well drained soil but does well in clay, and needs protection from wind . Its texture is fine with its form conical being narrow to broadly pyramidal, reaching from 30 to 40' in height to 6 to 12 feet in width. The leaf is green graceful foliage. It keeps its foliage color in the winter but can tend to bronze alittle in the winter. The American Arborvitae flowers/fruit are .5" erect female cones. The American Arborvitae has strong wood, casts dense shade, and has red bark when young. Arborvitae do not tolerate salt spray. These arborvitae should outlive even your children.
Useful Links & Things Need information? Don't know who to ask or where to tu? Here are some useful links and information sources that will respect YOU and your privacy. Coping With Teens Most of us were never taught to be parents. So we can't help but disappoint ourselves sometimes. How often have you heard yourself using the very words you hated hearing from your own parents? When our kids become teenagers, it gets even harder. They seem to reject everything we've taught them. As far as they're conceed, we know nothing. Our values and beliefs are constantly challenged. Every word we utter is seen as interference. Emotions run high. But we're more important to our teens than ever. As they try out the values of their peers, who are more influential than ever, we counter the pull of drugs, alcohol and early sex. These entangle children every day and can ruin their lives. Here are some links that might help: The turbulent teens Getting along with your teen Dealing with anger Ignoring problems won't make them go away What to do if your teen runs away If you need to talk Missing Child We've compiled a lot of helpful suggestions for finding a missing child right here. Keep in mind that runaways often travel short distances and come back after a few days. Nonetheless, take action immediately. Think clearly and logically about where your child might be. Try to figure out why he is missing or running away at this particular time. Follow only those suggestions that are useful and in order of their importance. Keep a notebook recording all the steps you've taken and dates. Useful links: Contact the police Contact your child's network Search your neighborhood Who to call for help Publicize Prepare for a call from your child How to cope when your child retus home If you need to talk Suicide Most young people end up killing themselves because they simply don't know where else to tu. They are in some kind of pain that seems unbearable and they want the pain to stop. They end up stopping their entire lives just because they didn't know what else to do. Here are some links that might help: Why do people kill themselves? Suicide waing signs What do you know about suicide? Need to talk? VISIT HERE:
I always like to hear about new ideas that really work well, are easy to implement, and not expensive. Here's one that is so simple, you'll wonder why more people don't do it, that is install a digital door lock on the doors in your house. Hey, these work great on cars—why not houses? A digital door lock is simply a fancy name for a pushbutton, combination, or keyless entry lock. With a digital door, you won't have to risk your keys will be lost, stolen, or copied. There is no AC wiring or batteries, so you won't be locked out during power failures. And you'll never have to pay a locksmith to change out your locks—you can do this yourself. Digital door locks are available nowadays with a hacksaw-proof deadbolts for standard doors, sliding doors, cabinets, even outdoor gates & fences like around a pool or play area. You can even get locks with a keypad on both sides or with a spring, so door automatically locks each time the door is closed. Most digital door locks have with easy-to-change codes and some even come with a key override option so that a master key can be used to open the lock as well as the combination. Some models are big and clunky and look like they would do best in an industrial setting like a data center or lab, but others have really nice designs and finishes that go quite well in a home setting. What are the things to look out for when choosing a lock? Pretty much what you would expect: 1. Make sure you get a high-quality lock with a good warranty, at least 5 years, from a reputable dealer who also has a clear, no-nonsense retu policy. 2. Find a dealer that will sell you parts, just in case you need them. 3. If you think you'll be purchasing more than one, also ask about volume discounts, even if you purchase them at different times. 4. Look for a dealer that carries several models and finishes, so you can get exactly what you want. 5. Check out the installation instructions. These days, any homeowner equipped with a phillips head screw driver should pretty much be able to install these locks themselves and change the combination in just a matter of minutes. 6. Make sure you know up front what the tax, shipping and handling costs are. 7. Finally, shop around. Use the Inteet to find sites that sell digital door locks. It's fast, easy, and secure.
Sterling Silver Jewelry: The standard for quality, reliability, and beauty. Here are some simple care suggestions: Sterling silver jewelry is always made of silver that is 92.5% pure. It is composed of 925 parts of pure silver and 75 parts alloy, usually copper. Sterling silver jewelry always has the stamp of sterling silver on it, accompanied at times with the name of the designer or jewelry manufacturer. The word "sterling" is the most respected in the jewelry business today. Since pure silver by itself is too soft, another metal such as copper is added to it, to give the silver its added stiffness and other qualities. The resulting mixture is composed of 925 parts pure silver in every 1000. This proportion never varies. It is fixed by law. This is referred to as sterling and is often incorrectly called solid silver. Sterling silver jewelry is made from this sterling silver, which is a white and highly reflective precious metal. It is of superior quality, which reflects in its look and feel. Although less durable than stainless steel and other precious metals, sterling silver is often employed in watches that coordinate or look like sterling jewelry. A protective coating may be added to prevent taish. Sterling silver jewelry is not very cheap, yet is also not beyond reach. It has a very distinctive look and can be easily distinguished. There is no mistaking the high reflective shine of this jewelry, which is one of its trademarks. It adds a sophisticated charm to your personality. Sterling silver jewelry is very stylish and lends an incredible elegance to your entire look. The inedible stamp of quality along with the chic sophistication makes it a wonderful "must have" product. It is a very versatile oament that crosses all barriers of age, cast, creed etc. It can be wo by anyone whether young or old. Some care has to be taken with any sterling silver jewelry that you own. This jewelry does taish with time. Taish on silver starts out as a yellowish tinge and is most easily removed at this stage. Silver taish progresses to a blackish purple coating becoming much more difficult to remove. Prolonged, unprotected storage is generally when taish occurs. Usually, taish will not appear on jewelry that is wo on a regular basis. The gentle friction from wearing and the contact of oils on the skin will likely keep your jewelry bright and sparkling. Note though that taking certain medications can cause changes in skin acidity and may cause jewelry taishing. To exercise good silver care, keep your jewelry free of taish by frequent cleaning. A simple diluted solution of mild dishwashing liquid and water can clean your silver jewelry. You can make your own cleaner by putting 2 tablespoons of baking soda and 2 tablespoons of salt in an aluminum pan - make sure it?s aluminum, that?s what makes this work - add hot water, mix it up and drop in your taished silver. A "magical" chemical removes the taish. Then, rinse and wipe dry.The presence of moisture will promote taish so, If possible, store your jewelry in a zip-loc plastic bag with anti-taish paper. Light taish or oxidation film can be removed with silver polishing cloths. You may find them at supermarkets, hardware stores or jewelry shops. Heavy taishing will require commercially available polishing creams, or dip liquids. Use care with these, limiting the exposure of gemstones to silver cleaners as they may contain chemicals that can harm certain gemstones. Always rinse and dry jewelry thoroughly. I've found that using a hairdryer works very well to insure removal of moisture. Use a soft cloth to make sure no residual cleaner remains. Note: Cream and dip liquid polishes will most likely remove taish and oxidation from your jewelry. They will also most certainly remove any decorative oxidation designs and patinas as well. Therefore, it's best to keep these items free of taish through proper storage and the use of cleaning cloths. BUT avoid cleaning your sterling silver with tissue. Believe it or not, tissue can scratch your silver. Avoid jewelry contact with abrasive soaps, chemicals, perfumes, hair sprays, dyes, etc. Remove your jewelry while washing, bathing, doing dishes, household chores or cleaning with chemicals. Silver is a relatively soft metal and can scratch, so don?t scrub with abrasive cloths or cleansers. Remove your jewelry before doing strenuous activities, exercise, sports, swimming (both ocean saltwater or chlorinated pools), to prevent scratching, denting or loss of gemstones. Remove jewelry before going to bed to avoid kinking or breakage. Sterling silver jewelry has a unique air of class, sophistication and style surrounding it. It is a wonderful thing to own and also to give to people who matter. It says a lot about your personality and taste. Wearing sterling silver jewelry can immediately enhance your over-all persona. It is available for both men and women being one of those essential pieces of jewelry that you must have in your collection. Its versatile look allows it to be used for many occasions, and the feel and texture is quite fashionable, as well as glamorous. By knowing some of silver's characteristics and taking a little extra care, your silver jewelry can give you a lifetime of enjoyment.
Very often in relationships we do not seem to be able to get the one thing we want more than anything else - the approval of other people. In fact the more we want it the more difficult it can be to tu the situation around. Typical approaches include withdrawing from other people so that only those who are really interested in you will make the effort to get to know you. The other person takes on all the risk of rejection and you risk not having someone make the effort to approach you. Emotionally what you really want is for the other person to like you or to approve of you as you are. In effect you project wanting approval and that is what you get - more wanting approval! This is because what you give out comes back to you in this world. However there is a better way! It is possible to let go of wanting approval if you know the right questions to ask yourself, then you will be able to release the neediness and instead feel your own approval of yourself which then causes others to reflect that acceptance back to you. Ask yourself, which would I rather have, wanting approval or having approval? Ask this question again and again even for up to ten minutes at a time and you will find that your feelings shift and you will feel better about yourself and less attached to getting approval from other people. Test this for yourself when you are alone as well as when you are with other people. I find that my breathing changes and I start to feel more at peace within minutes when I use this approach. Enjoy!
There are folks out there who use their powers for evil, not good. Let's not give them the opportunity to sneak into our lives and wreak havoc. Submitted for your reading pleasure are some of my tips to protect yourself and your identity. Gone Phishin' When I was a wee lass, my Grandpa George would take me to the pond on a warm Saturday afteoon and we'd fish for hours. Unfortunately, this type of Phishing has nothing to do with warm fuzzy memories of my Grandfather. Phishing (sounds just like fishing) usually arrives in your inbox in the form of a spoofed e-mail message. It sure looks legit, huh? Well, it's not. Phishers blast e-mail messages in the hopes you'll take the bait and click the links, which will redirect you to a fake website. What do they want? Your account numbers, PIN numbers, SSNs: anything they can use to gain entry to bank and brokerage accounts and other financial information. Remember, your brokerage, bank, credit union and credit card provider will never ask for this information via e-mail. They will never ask you to login to your account to confirm information. If you feel you've been phished, do not access the links included in the e-mail. Also, reporting the phishing to your ISP and the Anti-Phishing Working Group ( The Paper Trail – Snatch that Receipt I bet you're the type to leave the receipt at the gas pump and at the ATM when you make that late night deposit. Smack on the hand and shame on you – stop doing that! Take ALL receipts when you make a purchase or a deposit, when you retu items, etc. When you go to the clothing store, take the receipt out of the bag and place it in your wallet. Save all receipts until you receive your end-of-month statements (see Two Dollars below). Also, don't throw away your receipts; see my notes on shredding It's … Like … Magic! Pet Peeve: Folks who use cheesy passwords to protect their online accounts – you people make me crazy! I recently hired a client and I'm managing several e-mail accounts for him. Guess what password he used for ALL of them? You guessed it: magic. I immediately changed the passwords on all of the accounts and then we had a chat. You should never use a word you can find in a dictionary as your password. You should never use your birthday, the names of your wife or children or dog as passwords. Use a combination of letters and numbers and where possible, add special characters such as a bang (!) to your password. Also, change your passwords frequently, such as once a quarter or every six months. What's the "S" for, Anyway? Ever notice certain website changes when you're making online purchases? There's an "s" which appears after HTTP, for starters. This let's you know you're on a secure server. Also, check the status bar on the window you're using to make the purchase. You should see a yellow padlock -- mouse over the lock and you'll see the encryption level for the site. If you don't see both of these items, do not make the purchase right now and notify the vendor. Go back and make the purchase at a later time. I Didn't Charge Two Dollars Every month, without fail, I want to you check your statements from your credit union, bank, brokerage, credit card companies -- any institution from which you receive a paper statement or an online statement. If the bad guys have access to your account, they may try and slip in a small charge before coming with the big guns. Take a look at each and every line item and verify you've made the purchase. If something is amiss, call that institution immediately. The Joy of Shredding I have a special "shred" basket near my desk and shred all of the basket's contents at the end of the work day. My personal receipts, which I no longer need and have reconciled against my online statements, get shredded. All working documents I've printed or proofed, especially for my attoey clients, are blitzed at the end of day as well. Anything which may personally identify me or one of my clients gets the treatment. You have no logical excuse for not owning a shredder. Price? Hardly an issue. You don't have a car to get to the office supply store? If you're reading this article that means you've got inteet access. Start a new browser window NOW and access your favorite online office supply vendor. You'll have your new shredder in a matter of days and you too can become a Shredder Queen (or King). We live in a different world from just a generation ago. Be smart, be aware and remember that if something seems too good to be true, it is.
Diamond beauty versus cost: What is the best combination? Better quality diamonds are more brilliant and beautiful, but they command higher prices as well. This article explains how to find the best value in diamond stud earrings: the brightest diamond for the lowest cost. For those who can afford it, we recommend an excellent cut diamond of G-H color and "eye-clean" clarity. This is a moderately priced diamond, but earrings of this quality will produce the same dazzling shower of light as those costing thousands of dollars more. There are three simple reasons: first, it is the excellent cut that breathes life and sparkle into a diamond. Second, most experts agree that a G-H color appears colorless when mounted, so spending more for D-E-F color diamonds isn't necessary. Third,a diamond of SI2 clarity is "eye-clean", meaning it has no flaws visible to the naked eye, but costs a lot less than the higher clarity grades. Excellent bargains with only a slight compromise in beauty can be found in the I1 Clarity range as well, as long as the cut is good and the color is in the G-H range. For those who are on a budget, don't feel embarrassed to buy diamonds of a lower quality. All diamond earrings sparkle when they are wo on a woman's ear, and let's face it: for the same price, many women would rather wear 1 carat studs of a lower quality than 1/2 carat studs of a higher quality. Fast Fact: there are many good websites to purchase diamond stud earrings. Our top recommendation, however goes to a specialty site They sell the same color, clarity and cut grades for about 25% less than the typical "sale" price in a retail jewelry store (and other inteet stores), and they back it up with a price comparison tool that allows you to view prices for earrings of the same quality on many other major inteet jewelry sites. You will also have the security of their free insurance against loss of any kind for a full year. Choosing the right Color: The finest diamonds are colorless, rare and expensive. On the GIA grading scale, D-F are considered colorless, G-I near colorless and any grade J or below shows an increasingly yellowish tinge. Beyond the preference for a whiter stone, however, the color of a diamond does not affect its brightness or sparkle. Fast Fact: Most experts agree that, when mounted, diamonds in the "G-H" range appear colorless, and represent a much better value than "D-F" stones which command significantly higher prices. Choosing the right Clarity: Diamonds with fewer flaws (inclusions) are rare and therefore more highly prized. In many cases, these flaws don't detract from the beauty of the diamond because they are invisible to the naked eye. Fast Fact: Any grade "SI2" or above has inclusions that are "eye clean", not visible to the naked eye. An "I1" grade can be an excellent value, particularly if the inclusion is on the outer edge. "I2" grades can still exhibit a fair degree of fire and light. "I3" grade diamonds are noticeably more opaque or dark to the naked eye. Choosing the right Cut:< More than any other attribute, it is the Cut that makes a diamond brilliant and beautiful. A diamond that is well cut reflects light inteally and displays a dazzling shower of light back through the top of the stone. Fast Fact: When viewing a diamond, look directly into the center: if there are dark facets in the center or a dark ring around the center, or if the diamond appears opaque, it is probably due to poor cut. Brilliance, Dispersion and Scintillation: The secret of a diamond that is properly cut is that it retus a measurably greater amount of light, which is displayed as brilliance, dispersion and scintillation. This is the true measure of a diamond's beauty. Brilliance: The total amount of white light, both exteal and inteal, retued from the diamond to the eye of the observer. Dispersion: Flashes of color, or fire, particularly when viewing a diamond in strong, direct light. Scintillation: Reflections and flashes of white light from the diamond's surface as the diamond, observer or light source moves. Cli ck here to view photos along with the above presentation