Dependence The Key to Success

Posted by Kat Turner | 7:08 PM | 0 comments »

Whether you are just getting started doing business on the Inteet, or are a seasoned professional, there is one aspect of Inteet Business that will always stay at the top of the "Essential Skills" list! Dependence!!! Let me show you how. First of all, even if you ARE considered a pro in this industry, you'd better not get too comfortable with that title. The inteet is growing and changing so quickly, that what you are an expert at today, may present you with a lot to lea tomorrow! So, essentially, newbies and old pros are sharing a level playing field. There will always be opportunity to lea something new. The best way to go about leaing is to depend on those who are ahead of you!!! Depend on a mentor! And, that works both ways! YOU will NEED to be willing to BE depended on AS a mentor also! I know, you're already telling me how busy you are, and how in the world would you find time to be at someone's beck and call? The truth is: ***Time spent mentoring will be the most valuable business investment you will ever make! *** I have had the great fortune of being mentored through the maze of inteet business by my good friend Michael Smith. Notice that I said, "Good Friend". That has been the by-product of the mentoring! And a valuable one to boot! It was he who contacted me with a suggestion for my site. I took him up on the suggestion, and his willingness to give help whenever I needed it was thrown in with the deal! What has become of my business (and his!) since then is incredible! We now share a joint venture at YMTC ( I know Mike would agree - it has been a win-win situation. We are now dependent on each other in various ways. There have been business benefits for both of us. One word of caution: A successful mentoring situation depends almost TOTALLY on honesty and integrity, As a mentor, you must develop a sense of trust between you and your mentoree. You MIGHT be able to do this on false pretenses and selfish motives for a short time. But it will come back to haunt you. >From the standpoint of the "mentoree", you must be careful, also. Make SURE you have enough information about the person who is teaching you to feel totally comfortable with what they are offering. Don't go into something lightly. If they are shooting straight with you, they won't have any problem with you checking out their credentials. It is obvious how working with a mentor can be a benefit for the one doing the leaing. So, what are the benefits for the mentor? Simple. MORE BUSINESS. You're thinking this contradicts with the earlier statement about unselfish motives??? Not at all. As the two of you develop a relationship of trust and loyalty, it goes without saying that the person you are teaching will take an interest in whatever products or services you offer - IF it is something that will benefit his or her own business. That is where the integrity comes in for the mentor. Do NOT go into a mentoring situation with the goal of cramming everything you sell down the throat of your student. In fact, you'll probably lose your student if you do. MOST people are smart enough to see through even the most carefully woven sales pitch. Keep your student's best interest at heart above all things, and the benefits to both of you will flow naturally. As your student leas, he, too will have valuable resources to offer you and your business. The absolute best attitude to take on as you go into a mentoring situation is to be ready to give, with NO strings attached. That is an age-old truth that ALWAYS brings blessings to the giver. So, once again, whether you are a newbie or an expert, you can benefit greatly from a mentoring situation. If you need a mentor, and don't know where to start looking, please feel free to contact Mike or me. We are both at different stages in the "Inteet Leaing Process", and both have different skills to offer. We do have one important thing in common, though. We are both more than willing to help you at whatever stage you are at! You will be a mentor yourself in no time!!! (Our addresses are listed below!) Lea more about the *NEW* Team Mentor by sending a blank email to Happy Mentoring! Gail