How to clean your sterling silver

Posted by Kat Turner | 1:48 AM | 0 comments »

How to clean your sterling silver

     Clean your sterling silver jewelry with a Polishing Cloth or a soft sterling silver cleaning cloth and gently rub off any excess makeup. Remember silver is a very soft metal and you can scratch it if you aren't careful so don't rub it too harshly.      After you have clean it store your silver in an airtight zip lock bag. Save the one it came in, it works perfectly. This will help prevent some taishing. Remember sterling silver is meant to be wo and your body oils also help prevent taishing.      Do not use liquid jewelry cleaner on your jewelry. To clean away excessive taish, clean your sterling with a soft cloth. You may also use a nonabrasive brand name paste silver polish to remove excessive taish. A silver cloth is the best way to remove taish from jewelry. Be sure the item to be cleaned is free from dust and other abrasives. Note: Liquid silver cleaner will remove the black (taish) coloring from the letter blocks and may discolor the silver.     Please note that you shouldn't wear any valuable jewelry, clothing or shoes when cleaning, around chemicals or swimming.